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Thread: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Hi Arnie.

    Thanks for the reply. No, not on meds but was on propranolol some time ago. I recall that when I was it played havoc with my digestion too.

    I really don't know what's going on as it comes and goes. It completely goes when I'm moving about and being kind of busy with things but when I sit and stop, it feels like it slowly comes back. To be honest, I've been straining and forcing burps out so much today (although they have been tiny) that I'm beginning to make my midriff even more sore.

    I'm trying really, really hard not to let my mind run away with me but I just don't believe that this couldn't be down simply to anxiety could it?

    I hope you're feeling better soon mate and that your sternum discomfort eases quickly.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Dan, this really does sound like it is anxiety related especially when you say it doesn't bother you so much when you are busy doing other things.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Dec 2012

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    I agree it is anxiety. Mines the same when I'm at work I have a lot less symptoms than when I'm not spin anything at home. They don't totally go but they are less. Evenings are worse for me and I often take myself off to bed to escape! Not much fun for my other half but she understands its tough what I'm going through.

    Have you tried counselling? I had my first cbt session last night. It was interesting and my therapist gave me some good insights but thinks my anxiety is more deep rooted and that my panic attack 6 months ago when I thought I was having a heart attack was just the catalyst for it coming to the surface. Up until that point I had never knowingly had anxiety or depression so I guess you never know until you give it a go. Good luck and hope you're feeling better.

  4. #14

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Hey sweetie, I have had this too, and it ain't nice!! It caused me to have a full blown panic attack actually as I thought I was losing my breath, had a lung issue etc etc. However , I had a bit of trapped wind but focused that much on it that I couldnt get rid. Trust me, you are fine, you are fine!!! This feeling will pass when it feels like it, just chill out and you'll suddenly find the pain has gone... promise xxxx

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Thanks for all the really kind words everyone. It's very, very much appreciated.

    The sternum discomfort has eased a bit today and sort of moved to around my navel area. I've had some churning and bloating but it feels like I've done 200 sit up and wrecked my abdominal muscles. They actually feel tender to touch too?? To be honest, I ain't got a clue what's going on in there. I'm going to try and get to the docs this week and ask her about IBS and if the symptoms I've had this week (and in the last few weeks) could be IBS related or if they even sound like typical IBS things.

    More peppermint tea for the time being then.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    So, went to the doctors yesterday and explained the symptoms I've got. He examined me and had a good feel of my abdomen. As everything felt fine to him, and that I've no 'red flag' symptoms, the doctor said he was sure it was IBS. He's prescribed me some muscle relaxants and said I should stop worrying. He was very good and had plenty of time for me. But I still can't help but question whether or not this discomfort really is IBS. I've had it for over a week now and although I'm trying to keep a lid on it, I can feel this bout of anxiety is going to take some getting over.

    I asked about being referred for CBT but the doctor said to see how I went on over the next few weeks now that he's diagnosed the IBS and how that should set my mind at ease. He said if I wanted still be referred after that, to go back and see him.

    Still have abdominal discomfort and trying to not stress about it.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2010

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    I no this is an old post but what u have described is how I've been feelin for two weeks now I actually think if I have a massive burp, trump or go the loo then the feelin will go its just a big discomfort not painfully or anything but like u say anxiety n overthinking makes it worse I also get nausea around belly button area aswell I've been docs a few times who have examined me an said just ibs but my mind still won't listen
    trying in little steps

  8. #18

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Quote Originally Posted by Arnie365 View Post
    Hi Dan

    I've got exactly the same thing right now. Are you on any meds? I am on propranolol but coming off it slowly and have been on fluoxetine for two weeks now. Before starting these I had never had heartburn or suffered from trapped wind that i can remember but within two days of starting the propranolol I started to get bad heartburn every day (I've had anxiety for over 6 months and been on propranolol for two months so I don't think the heartburn and trapped wind is just from anxiety though my doctor said it was unlikely it would be caused by the meds though looking on line it seems quite a common side effect).

    I have lowered my dose of propranolol over the past 3 days and not had any heartburn (the doctor told me I could reduce by the way as the fluoxetine should be starting to kick in now) but today I've had that trapped wind/muscle feeling just below my solar plexus exactly as you describe. It's weird. It does feel like a really good burp would shift it but even when I do burp it doesn't go.

    I've been a bit panicked by this on and off all day because my anxiety is linked to a concern that my heart is damaged and i construe all heart aches, pains, pressure and twinges as a sign of a heart attack coming on but keep telling myself I've had similar feelings before and been ok every time as well as getting the all clear following several ECGs and blood tests though it's really hard to be rational with yourself when caught up in the panic.
    I had similar problems with propranolol..Heartburn is sever after taking propranolol.. Doctor says it is vital for me to take propranolol so do you know any other salt which does not cause heartburn

  9. #19

    Re: Trapped wind feeling but can't burp

    Hi , I had really bad anxiety n panic attacks !
    I thought I was nuts .
    To distress n calm myself I would drink tea n coffee !!!!
    What I didn't know was , the caffeine is what was giving me the anxiety and worry . Caffeine really badly affected me as I'm sure it does others ,maybe like yourself? Try cutting it out completely as it worked for me .
    I do have slight anxiety now n again but I can control n deal with it

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