I am new to this site. I have been searching around for a bit of advice. I have anxiety and panic disorder. It really kicked in while I was working at one job that I had and caused me to be hospitalized not only once, but twice. After the second time, I quit the job and looked for a new one. I worked at the new one until I moved, but could not face the job without heavy meds and even somedays, the meds did not help. I am at the point again where I need to find myself a job again and I know this, but I am havinng extreme anxiety about taking one again as I am off my meds now and I remember vividly what happened at the other two. I do not mind working, it is the stress level that is behind it I believe. I at this point cannot afford to get myself medicated again and am at a loss for what to do. I know what I need to do, but my panic and anxiety is holding me back alot.

Thank you for your advice,