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Thread: Incompetent nurse?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Incompetent nurse?

    I had to go for a blood test this morning - this is how it went:

    The nurse came to collect me from the waiting room, she was rude and abrupt. Great, I thought. She then sat me down in the room, leaving the door open. Put a strap around my arm (not tight, just on me), had a feel around for a vein, a quick wipe and in with the needle. As soon as the needle went in I had an electric shock like feeling shoot down my arm, through my hand and to the tip of my middle finger. Then, no blood AT ALL. She removed the needle and insepected my other arm. Then she chickened out and said she might ask someone else to do it. Off she went, I heard her tellling another nurse, quite loudly, 'she said she got an electric shock from the needle!' as if I was a child. The other nurse came in, said quietly to the original nurse that she might have caught a nerve. The new nurse then put the strap on PROPERLY, needle in (absolutely painless) and blood came out fine.

    It wasn't til I got home that I realised - the first nurse didn't have gloves on - which worried me more when I remembered that when she took the cotton wool ball off me (that I was holding on my arm) she was exposed to my blood. And so she had probably been exposed to many other people's blood this morning. And she wasn't wearing gloves. And she didn't wash her hands (not while I was in the room anyway, or before I left). And, when I think about it, the needle she used was already unwrapped when I entered the room. SERIOUSLY, what is going on here? Should I complain?

    Rude, unhygienic (sp?) and incompetent! And right when I am already in a panic because I have surgery scheduled at our local big hospital that ALWAYS has problems with infections and norovirus.
    Knowing it's irrational doesn't change anything...

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Incompetent nurse?

    I'm sorry that your blood test was less than satisfactory. I have regular blood tests and although I am 'known' to the service sometimes I am dealt with briskly. I'm sure it wasn't personal to you. The phlebotamists have many patients to get through and she might have been running late. Sometimes if I am nervous my veins 'disappear' making collecting blood difficult. The nurse would have gone to fetch a colleague probably to cause you less distress. In hospital I have noticed patients having blood taken from veins in their hands if taking the blood is difficult. There is usually a way. With an experienced practitioner they will find a way. It is not personal to you I am sure? The non wearing of glove is unforgivable though and you could issue a complaint about that. EJ

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jul 2008

    Re: Incompetent nurse?

    Àh I would guess she hit a nerve! It happens all the time, I've had a few times from dental injections. It's not dangerous and I honestly don't know if it's avoidable or if it's just an accident rather than the persons no good with needles.

    "caught a nerve" ooh well that does sound a bit different. That nurse needs some more training and should learn some people skills!

    If she wasn't tearing gloves I would report her!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Incompetent nurse?

    Most nurses today get a free course live the student life & then get a garanteed job on the NHS~ what do you expect!

    I knw a nurse that has slagged fat people ( as she says ) on Facebook. I knw another who is sooooooooo far from being caring and compassionate its untrue. This really doesn't surprise me.

    Hope ur ok though

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Nov 2007

    Re: Incompetent nurse?

    Not all nurses should be tarnished with the student life, etc

    No matter where we go, we'll always come across at least one crappy medical person, it's just a fact of life. We'll always find that crappy nurse who's too rough, a doctor who doesn't listen, etc. Don't let this experience put you off from getting tests done in the future. Report her and get her seen, her conduct is unbelievable and disgusting.


    ~" reaffirm that fundamental truth - that out of many, we are one; that while we breathe, we hope, and where we are met with cynicism, and doubt, and those who tell us that we can't, we will respond with that timeless creed that sums up the spirit of a people :
    Yes, We Can!!!! ~


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2008

    Re: Incompetent nurse?

    Thanks for your replies, I think I just needed to rant lol! I have had many, many blood tests with no problems (apart from my 'fine', 'shy' veins which have a tendency to collapse) and I'm not worried about having more. I will watch more carefully to make sure it's all hygienic though!
    Knowing it's irrational doesn't change anything...

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2011

    Re: Incompetent nurse?

    you are absolutely right Wolfie and there's a saying up north ' don't tar everyone with the same brush' BUT honestly I know 5 personally whom of which 2 I'm related to and all are in there 20's and honestly they have as much said that's why they became a nurse NHS course now degree- free, garanteed job, more or less and it's better than working in a salon. Hmmmmm. They do seem to have a Converyor belt system going on with nurses at the moment, don't really do any sort of personality testing and all of the above , no work experience in the field - what so ever before hand!!? ALSO have you listend to the news lately about care etc from nurses and most - not all but most have no care etc towards patients ~ what so ever!!!!!
    Quote Originally Posted by Wolfie View Post
    Not all nurses should be tarnished with the student life, etc

    No matter where we go, we'll always come across at least one crappy medical person, it's just a fact of life. We'll always find that crappy nurse who's too rough, a doctor who doesn't listen, etc. Don't let this experience put you off from getting tests done in the future. Report her and get her seen, her conduct is unbelievable and disgusting.

    Last edited by Col; 11-01-13 at 13:52.

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