Well i have been off my medication for about 1 1/2 to 2 years now and was doing really well and not having panic attacks until a week ago, i woke up one morning having really bad head zaps which i havent had since comming off my medication, and since that day i have been having all types of weird head feelings along with the zaps i have been to see a doctor and he told me to see if it settles after a week and if not to go back and it would have to be investigated all this is causing me really bad panic thinking its a sign i am going to have a seizure the head feelings also happen when i am trying to go sleep and also wake me up then i panic, i have been crying because i am petrified of this feeling, i will be going back doctors next week but i was panic and anxiety free for so long now all this i just want the zaps and wierd head feelings to go away it is so scary