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Thread: CBT problem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2006

    CBT problem

    hi all...just a question about CBT....had about 6 sessions, and so far i havent found it much help..he just lets me sit there and go on about how ill i feel....i feel it should be more interactive....what goes off in everyones else sure mine isnt being done properly...i dont think he is a "proper" therapist....just a mental health counseller who has done training in CBT....but he doesnt seem like he is really clued up on disappointed has i was hoping it would have cured me.....what should i do , tell him i dont find it helping me or ask to see a i feel i have deep rooted issues that are at the bottom of my anxiety state......
    thanx everyonex

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi there

    Does he give you any challenges to do or encourage the ones that you have done?

    Does he explain some of the symptoms and reasons for them or offer any advice on how to cope or change your thought processes?

    If not then I don't think he is doing CBT as such and is like you say maybe just being there for you to talk at!

    You are entitled to say that it is not helping and you expected more from it and what is the next step that you can take to get that help.

    Good luck


  3. #3
    Join Date
    May 2006
    Hi Nicola
    Thanks for your he doesnt set me any challenges at all...he just sits and listens to me going on about my anxieties over my health....i feel he doesnt take me seriously enough....
    the first 2 sessions he gave me lots of info on how to challenge my thoughts...but thats it...he hasnt mentioned it since is he expecting me to do it on my own?....
    I do try to challenge my thoughts...but feel i should have more input from him.....i will mention im not happy next session...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Sounds like you are having simple counselling with a bit of CBT theory inserted.

    Some therapists go out and help you challenge your fears in a practical way as well as making you realize through examples that when you challenge your thoughts it does have a major influence on your actions.

    Others are purely office based but yes it generally does have more of an interactive nature than what you are experiencing.

    Perhaps you could take a more managing role in the sessions and asked him direct open questions it might force him to engage in more active interaction.

    Hope it goes ok


    proactiveness, positivity, persistence, perseverance and practice = progress

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hello there Nicola

    I have been to 3 CBT sessions What he basically did was to tell me about the way the brain works and the function of the amygdala in the brain and how it affects anxiety and panic attacks. The bloke I saw/see talked to me about living in the here and now not in the there and then in other words don't dwell on the past and what might happen in the future think about today and remain positive. On your panic attacks I have read loads and loads and the way I deal with them is to let them do their worse and egg them on and then for some reason they don't have anything to feed on and they subside more quickly and don't leave me as tired as they used to. It sounds as if your CBT is either dozy or not up to the task. Tell him what you expect from the meetings and ask for strategies for coping. If you want to know anymore post an answer to this and I'll elaborate a bit more Good luck and don't get too het up!


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    it doesn sound like you're getting proper cbt treatment. if you're not happy with the way its going you are within your rights to tell him and if he doesnt alter the sessions then you can ask to see someone else. i had that problem and although i had to wait another 7 months it was worth it because she is so much better than he was


    the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , New Zealand.

    It seems to me the guy you're seeing is not practicing CBT proper with you.

    I spent 2 x 2hr sessions with my NHS pschologist (PhD) getting to know _ALL_ about me. This was followed by 1 1/2h presentation of what she'd sussed out about me (very impressed) and 6 x 1 hr CBT proper sessions. After each session I had a small assignment to do, like writing down when certain events or thoughts occurred.

    It all seemed very professional to me. I am now more aware about my thinking.

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