Hi all.

In November last year I had a routine blood test and was told my liver results were abnormal and I'd need a retesting in February. I have been drinking more than I should, 3 bottles of wine a week and during my low I was drinking every day.

I spoke to another GP as my usual Doctor was off and she said they needed redoing with the 3 months as they were high.

I saw my regular GP last week and she said 'Oh your ALT was 45, nothing to be concerned about'

From what I've read an elevated ALT is not good but things confused further when I had the second blood test yesterday. The nurse said 'Oh ALT is not too worrying, it's nothing to do with your alcohol intake'

So I'm awaiting the result on Tuesday but I'm doing my nut in waiting. I've read the nmp article on liver test and it seems to sugggest a 45 ALT is bad.