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Thread: Can anyone help with Ectopic heartbeat ??

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi nicky, welcome to the forum. i hope you find lots of useful information here at no more panic, and also i hope you make some good friends, i hope the doctor will help you when you see him
    all the best
    shell xxx

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Nicky

    I suffer with ectopic heartbeats, yes they are scary i've had them for 5yrs now ever since i got anxiety/panic attacks. They have calmed down alot but for the last few days they have come back with a vengence don't know why as i am not anxious or really worried about anything.

    I was told caffiene, worry can cause them but they are common with panic and anxiety.

    linda xx

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , Ireland.
    Hi Nicky and welcome.

    I am a relatively new member to this site and came across it as I was trying to find something or someone to alleviate my fears due to these flipped heartbeats (which I now know to be ectopics). I have them as we type! Mine tend to be stress related and are more acute when I have not exercised for a while. Also exacerbated by caffeine and alcohol late at night and also, interestingly, take a way food that has MSG in it. I had a great nights tennis last night and was not aware of one. They came on strong then when I lay down in bed but due to the help of this forum over the past few days, I just bloodly well ignored them and fell into a deep and pleasant sleep right thru until 7am this morning! They wont harm you but are just not pleasant. Best advice is to keep busy and try to ignore them.

    Dont worry!!!

    Dublin girl.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    No i still get them, very rarely though, i used to have them on a daily basis, especially at night also, but now get them only rarely, i just let it happen, i know it cant harm me etc, its one of about 3 symptoms ive learned to accept in 4 years! it certainly isnt easy to just let it happen when your so convinced they are harmful.
    I used sometimes get these as a start of anxiety, now its my tummy doing a rolly polly! followed by the rest of them!
    Youll be fine! you know you will!!! were a convincing bunch, why? because we honest and know all the details!
    Becci x

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Aug 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    I am having ectopics today and have suffered with them for about 20 years. I saw a heart specialist af few years ago had all the tests, heart scan, wore a 24 hour tape and he said it was nothign at all. I can relate mine to my periods, either when I am ovulating, or just before I start my periods - once kept a diary of when I was having them and it was always to do with my menstural cycle. But they are horrid and I hate them and I always panic when I get them and want them to go away - anyone else out there think they are related to hormoes?

    s bearman

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , Ireland.
    Shaz Hi - Yes I am quite convinced that they can be linked with hormones. I am experiencing a bout of these at the moment which have lasted for about 2 weeks now, which is the longest I have every had them. There is definitely a stress related link too. I can trace the beginnings of these to just after I had my first baby when I was 33. I did not get them with my second child. I am now 48 and peri-menopausal and I am convinved that this is a factor. Never had them last this long - absolutely dreadful things and make me feel really low. Definitely made worse by wine and coffee so I have had to cut these out. For me exercising helps make them better - at least takes your mind of them

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Nicky

    Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

    Hope we can be of some help.


  8. #18
    Join Date
    Sep 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    new here too, also typed in for 'ectopic hertbeats' and lo n behold its all about panic! something ive had afair share of too - interestingly... Try n keep it short, im 33, mum to 2 boys 3 n 5, spent the last 3 years liviing in caravans whilst we convert a property. Ive always had Ectopics, but only this year felt moved to investigate them.. They were more noticeable when i was pregnant too.
    In july I had them really bad n the day we were moving house I toddled down to A nE with my wee one in tow thinking i was (calmly) gonna kark it. The kept me in 24hr sfor a trace and discovered my bld sugar was v low and fluctating. Alos have naturally quite low Bls pressurse, and even now I always seem to have borderline low bld sugar. I am quite thin, but eat like a horse cos I know I get ectopics when im hungry n wobbly. Today i walked inot a n E again as theyve been going Bonkers for hours this am - evry few seconds Non stop. Its just awful , and there I am trying to politely chat to everyone and do the shopping and sort the children etc its Horrid. However, today reassured again as doc let me go but Why do they just Reappear? Im careful on the caffeine/wine/fags and to be honest - it doesnt make a blind bit of difference to ectopic heartbeats BUT it does to any palpitaions(fast heart after meals n booze n tireness etc).
    I totally sympathise with anyone having a bad episode and would Love to know the magic recipe to switch them off.
    I also believe they are very hormonally linked and egt them before periods and mid cycle. (sorry guys..)
    Any ideas welcome for natural remedies or things to avoid- whats the cheese thing? Docs doing a load of blood tests agian but im not sure what thhey hope to find other than its red.
    theyre also quite a dismissive bunch - the docs.
    thanks for listening take care xx

  9. #19

    Re: Can anyone help with Ectopic heartbeat ??

    dear all,

    i really feel that im not alone anymore when come to here.. i've suffered this since i was young at 12 yrs old.. it gone and back again after so many yrs now especially after i delivered birth.. and it happens quite often nowadays.. really is "mentally abused" me.. make me feel annoyed and helpless...

    it has no medication after seeing the cardiologist and all the check up showed normal... and i read one of the msg here saying it become worst after a big meal... yes it is true.. after i had my lunch the heart beats really drive me crazy.. since i know it is not a disease and no medication then how to get rid of this?!!

  10. #20

    Re: Can anyone help with Ectopic heartbeat ??

    hi nicky
    i suffer with ectopics really bad they are awful and feel like you.i am on propranalol to calm them which does work and i have also completely cut out chocolate, caffeine, sugar and sweetners especially aspartamine they are stimulants and alcohol is the biggy i have gone completely back to basics with regards to food and i know it sounds boring but if you are like me and want them to stop or at least decrease then you have to eat fresh foods fruit veg, drinking water etc it is working. hope you feel better pm me if you need more advice.


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