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Thread: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?

    it concerns me because i have ibs and suffer vomiting and loose b/m normaly so they might not be a good choice for me

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?

    Hi mrsnobody

    If you don't mind me asking, is this your first time on an antidepressant? It may be worth asking your doctor if there are any alternatives you can take if that is the case (there are lots of possibilities)? I don't know your background, but from experience I know a few people who are on other things such as amitryptiline, and they seem to not get the same stomach upsets etc. that the SSRIs give (admittedly I think one of these people has been on it long term for a while now, and I have been told that the stomach upsets caused by Citalopram tend to go away after the first few days - I'm hoping anyway!).

    I'm sure you will be able to find something that suits you

    Catherine x
    "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?

    hi catherine 84, i was on flouxetine first but side effects realy bad so they took me off it

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?


    Just wondered if anyone took anything to get them through the initial side effects of the Citalopram? My breathing OCD anxiety has gone through the roof and I have constant butterflies in my stomach. I am taking 5mg Diazepam 3 times a day, but it doesn't do anything for my panic. I am stuggling to get to sleep at night and carry out basic tasks. I just feel more and more like I can't live like this. When I could have a glass of wine in the evening, it at least calmed me down for a while (I know this is not a long term solution, hence me being desperate for some meds which would help me instead), but now I feel like there is no escape. I would give anything just for a couple of hours respite right now. x
    "Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind." - Dr. Seuss

  5. #15

    Thumbs up Re: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?

    I just started Citalopram (10mg) on the 18th. So just over a week. I have never been on an antidepressant before and was very hesitant to start them. I'm still learning about anxiety/depression. All of this is so new to me. I've always been the girl that says "whatever happens, happens..just go with the flow".. I'm still not even sure why I all of a sudden feel the way I do. I got sick in the beginning of January, I had the flu, then a sinus infection and then a viral infection. I stopped eating, I laid in bed, I basically thought I'd be like that forever. It lasted the entire month and into February. I kept going into urgent cares, ER and to my primary doctor..I was hoping for some kind of fix. I just wanted to feel back to my normal self. A little back history about me..I lost my father in-law on July 21st 2015, he was only 55. Then my dad passed away just 5 days later on July 26th 2015. He was 64. It was the hardest year of my life. And I had gotten married just 9 months before. I was in a car accident in August 2016, and my husband was hit by a car while he was crossing a crosswalk a week before Thanksgiving (2016). I just don't get why I'm all of a sudden having anxiety/depression instead of getting it when these things were that just the way our bodies work? We just build stuff up until it's too much to handle? I just started seeing a counselor yesterday. I'm hoping between the meds & my counselor that I'll start to feel back to myself very soon. My biggest things are lack of interest in things I used to enjoy, not sleeping well (I wake up constantly and can't get back to sleep for awhile), no appetite (I've lost over 30 lbs since the beginning of January), racing thoughts..honestly the thoughts are what gets me. I just want them to stop. I try to think about something happy but I feel like the negative always wins. I'm not giving up on Citalopram. I'll see my doctor once I'm on them for a month. I haven't had a lot of side effects..except I think my thoughts have increased. Maybe that's normal until my body adjusts to the meds? I'm hopeful..which is better then I was a couple weeks ago. Any positive feedback would be appreciated.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?

    Hi Stephanie. It might be better if you start your own thread on this subject as you will hopefully get more replies ��

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Feb 2017

    Re: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?

    I started (again) on the 18th as well... side-effects are very noticeable at first but will subside. Yesterday was a good day, 10 days in. Evenings are now good. Mornings are anxious and sleep is broken a bit in terms of waking uo, but this is decreasing.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?

    Welcome to No More Panic, Stephanie

    Quote Originally Posted by Stephanie06 View Post
    A little back history about me..I lost my father in-law on July 21st 2015, he was only 55. Then my dad passed away just 5 days later on July 26th 2015. He was 64. It was the hardest year of my life. And I had gotten married just 9 months before. I was in a car accident in August 2016, and my husband was hit by a car while he was crossing a crosswalk a week before Thanksgiving (2016). I just don't get why I'm all of a sudden having anxiety/depression instead of getting it when these things were that just the way our bodies work?
    What you describe is not uncommon. Anxiety disorders and depression often begin within 12-18 months of significant life events, death of a loved one, getting married, divorce, job loss, moving house, serious illness or accident, etc, and you've been hit by 4 of them in a short space of time. And I suspect the infections were what finally pushed you over the edge. In several respects, anxiety and depression are immune system disorders and they tend to flare when the system goes into overdrive. Patients treated with immune system boosting drugs such as interferon for viral diseases and cancers are now often also prescribed a SSRI because of this.

    My biggest things are lack of interest in things I used to enjoy, not sleeping well (I wake up constantly and can't get back to sleep for awhile), no appetite (I've lost over 30 lbs since the beginning of January), racing thoughts..honestly the thoughts are what gets me. I just want them to stop.
    Both antidepressants and therapy should help with the thoughts and SSRIs tend to cause weight gain so you will likely soon regain the 30 lbs.

    I haven't had a lot of side effects..except I think my thoughts have increased. Maybe that's normal until my body adjusts to the meds?
    Antidepressants can often make things worse initially because of the extra serotonin activity, but the brain and other affected organs usually adapt within a couple of weeks and the side-effects start to diminish. However, a positive response may take longer as these meds typically take 3-12 weeks to kick-in from when a therapeutic dose (20mg+ for citalopram) is first taken.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Jul 2016

    Re: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?

    I've been on citalopram 3 times in my life. Each time for around 2 years. I usually end up quitting them at some point when I think I feel ok. Of course, I never am ok when quitting.

    Doctors always start me on 10mg. I do notice some difference in my mood and behaviour. I will feel happy after a couple of weeks on 10mg. This quickly wears off though after a while.

    I only ever remain on the 10mg during the transition to higher doses. For some reason I'm always moved up to 40mg.

    Whilst there is short term positive benefit from 10mg it's not long lived.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    Dec 2015

    Re: 10mg Citalopram for anxiety/depression any positive stories?

    Quote Originally Posted by panic_down_under View Post

    What you describe is not uncommon. Anxiety disorders and depression often begin within 12-18 months of significant life events, death of a loved one, getting married, divorce, job loss, moving house, serious illness or accident, etc, and you've been hit by 4 of them in a short space of time. And I suspect the infections were what finally pushed you over the edge.
    Is that correct, because it makes a lot of sense when it comes to me and my own breakdown?

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