As I'm almost cured of ocd I had to start keeping track of all the changes that are going on.My progress has been great.I'm going through so many changes it was hard to remember when things happened so I decided to keep a diary.Now I can read though it and see what day I did something that ocd stopped me doing.Its great reading.

My progress from ocd has been going on now for 12 months.Its been busy.There are so many things I can do now.I look so different to how I looked 12 months ago.Here's my post on ocd and how it affected me:

I like to read parts of my diary regularly.I look at whats changed,when it changed.There's so much information there.Our memories arent that good so writing it helps.Its so easy to forget.

At first I didnt like the idea but then I was making so much progress I needed to know what day I did something.I showed the folder to my practitioner.He was impressed.

Just something worth doing.