Just started Seroquel last night. I'm a 35 year old man. Doc said to take 50mg for the first three days before bed, then up it to 100 mg for three days. Eventually he wants me up to 200 mg at bed time and 100mg during the day.

Took the 50 mg last night. Within 90 minutes couldn't keep my eyes open. Slept for about 9 hours last night. Feeling sluggish today. Doc said this actually should go away as I up the dosage.

My diagnosis is Bi-Polar II. I've struggled with it all my life and have tried all the anti depressants and benzo's out there. Problem has been nothing has done a good job at relieving my day to day anxiety. The benzos work great for a short period of time. But the problem is I build up a tolerance to them. The good news is my doc said Seroquel should be able to rid me of almost all my anxiety when I get to the right dosage.

I know these medications don't always work but the doctors confidence has given me hope.