Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
So, you think you have opened the door to something? Some great revelation? But the same could be said for anyone who has intruive thoughts too and we recover from them...I did. I found I am more attuned to them than before so I notice them now but I don;t react to them anymore and they just flash through.

With a theme like this you need to determine whether you have a genuine interest or a fear. The former is healthy, the latter isn't.

You need to work on living with uncertainty. You will never know the meaning of life just like every human being who has passed before you so all you can do is learn to accept it just like many areas of life. It won't happen until you put the work in though.
That is true but I am finding acceptance hard to this and the germs issue I have. My head doesn’t want to let go of these ideas when I do they crop back up again in a few months. With the solipsism issue I find making decisions hard because I worry all my choices are preplanned. I mean if they were why do I worry about them and why does it make me feel so ill?