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Thread: Flying phobia

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Flying phobia

    Hi all, there don't seem to be any messages (unless I missed them) with regard to the fear of flying phobia. How can one overcome this?
    I have flown about a dozen times since the sixties, but not for over five years. It's never been easy, but the last time I couldn't fly back and had to come back overland from Italy. An adventure in itself, but costly and one I don't want to repeat.
    Any suggestions would be very welcome, anybody been on a fear of flying course, cds, dvds, hypnosis, medication or anything else!
    Take care, Stefan.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi there, this is very common and so many people here have been or are exactly the same. I, personally tried hypnosis before my last holiday, and it seemed to work, cos i got on the plane panic free. There are quite a few old posts here with all types of helpful tips, try the search faciility and see what you come up with. Book that holiday you will enjoy it!!! xxx

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Carlin, thanks for your message. I cannot find any old posts to do with this subject. Maybe I'm not looking in the right place. Can you point me in the right direction.
    Many thanks, Stefan.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Stefan, I was talking about this subject a few weeks ago.
    Your situation could be a mirror of my own.
    I loved flying, had flown many times over the years.

    Suddenly I had a panic attack when getting on a plane at Stansted.
    It was when they shut the plane door, I felt trapped.
    So for me it's not the fear of flying, it's the fear of a controlled situation and being shut in.


    Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take, but by the moments that take our breath away.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks for your message, Dave. What you say is very true. It's the claustrophobic feeling of being shut in, not being in control, packed in like sardines, told where to sit, what to do or not to do. The chaotic atmosphere at the airport, the waiting, delays, people, queues etc. If I could afford first class maybe it would be easier.
    Did you stay on the plane at Stansted or get off? Have you flown since?
    I have to admit I didn't even make the airport in Italy!

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Stefan,

    I too have an extreme fear of flying, for me its mainly the turbulance ...oh and hurtling thousands of feet from the air in a burning mass of metal whilst people are dying screaming panicking around me (hahaha laughing like a deranged maniac)
    Anyway the only thing that really works for me is a combination of valium and white wine (which as a medical professional I don't really advise obviously).


  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Stefan. I have similar fear of flying/locked in - I think 'what if I did something stupid/embarrassing/dangerous' and the mere thought upsets me so much I can have a panic attack (the fact I feel so silly and frustrated with myself doesn't help either).

    I strongly recommend trying oxazepam. It's safe to take for short periods and doesn't make you too drowsy. I have used it twice on long haul flights to Australia and the Cook Islands - and actually enjoyed the flights! I still think the worrying thoughts, but they don't kick off the panic attacks as the flight/fight response is relaxed.

    Sitting in the aisle seat so you can get up easily and enjoying a nice therapeutic glass of wine (only wine if taking benzodiazapams, of course) always makes me feel better too.
    L x

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Stefan. I have similar fear of flying/locked in - I think 'what if I did something stupid/embarrassing/dangerous' and the mere thought upsets me so much I can have a panic attack (the fact I feel so silly and frustrated with myself doesn't help either).

    I strongly recommend trying oxazepam. It's safe to take for short periods and doesn't make you too drowsy. I have used it twice on long haul flights to Australia and the Cook Islands - and actually enjoyed the flights! I still think the worrying thoughts, but they don't kick off the panic attacks as the flight/fight response is relaxed.

    Sitting in the aisle seat so you can get up easily and enjoying a nice therapeutic glass of wine (only wine if taking benzodiazapams, of course) always makes me feel better too.
    L x

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , USA.
    Reply to Stephan about flying.
    Have you ever heard of exposure therapy?? It can be scary but I say "just do it" go fly, you may feel very anxious but it can only build up so much then it will go down(the anxiety) by exposing your self to your fear. I'm 37 & just flew for the first time in my life last week to Florida to see my ill I was scared to death, had a little panic attack on the way down. My sister was laughing @ me & so was the guy across the isle.....but I did it, w/ a little help from the "Xanx Fairy" ha ha. But I feel a little better about myself now that I actually did it. After the 911 situation I was more terrified than ever but I still did it, so can you! Best wishes Melissa "Sinatra" USA [8D]


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks all for the replies.
    Exposure therapy - thought about that, and rejected it. I still might not board the aircraft.
    Oxazepam - not heard of these, can your GP prescribe them? Are they similar to Valium?
    Xanax - you can't get these in the UK. Unless they're called something else.
    Alcohol - definitely thought of this.
    There just seems to be this huge brick wall I cannot scale.
    Looking to do a Flying without Fear course, anybody been on one? It's pricey, £200 or so, but it gets you up there amongst the clouds (flight included).

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