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Thread: My boyfriend is diagnosed with clinical depression, I don't know what to do!

  1. #1

    My boyfriend is diagnosed with clinical depression, I don't know what to do!

    I feel like my life is falling apart. My boyfriend, only 17 years old, is diagnosed with clinical depression and is going to spend some time in a mental hospital. I don't know what to do with myself. I can't help but feel guilty. He was always quiet and closed to himself but I had no idea it was this serious, I thought it was just the way he was. I don't know how much time he's going to be in the hospital but whenever I visit him, I want to show him how much I care and that I'm there for him. How should I do that? How can I say how sorry I am for not noticing how sad he's been? I'm sorry for expressing my emotions so much, I'm just so sad and desperate, I can't stop crying. All of this happened so sudden... I just don't want him to lose himself. What should I say to a clinically depressed person?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: My boyfriend is diagnosed with clinical depression, I don't know what to do!

    I'm so sorry your boyfriend is so ill. People are often very good at disguising how ill they are. It's not your fault you didn't notice. I remember you posting before and I was really surprised and impressed how well you are supporting him when you are so young yourself. He has an illness, you did not cause this, and you cannot fix him - that is a job for the doctors.

    The best thing you can do is visit him and tell him you love him. Offer to talk, or just spend some time together if he's not up to talking. Just let him know you are there for him. He's still the same guy, talk to him like you normally would.

    Make sure you get the support you need as well.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: My boyfriend is diagnosed with clinical depression, I don't know what to do!

    Absolutely. And make sure you are given some support, you sound a bit low too at the moment. My brother was in mental hospital a few years ago after a suicide attempt and they thought he was dying. I just used to go and sit with him and listen to him whisper his dark thoughts, thinking I was doing very little, but he looks back on that time as me 'having saved him'. Just the presence of a loving person means all the world. Don't be surprised if he can't communicate, he is in a place where you are not, at the moment. But he will value your visits. Try not to pressurise him either by asking him things OR by telling him how bad you feel, how guilty, etc. He will not be able to take that at the moment. And you have NO REASON to feel guilty Sweetheart. You are amazing! xx
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: My boyfriend is diagnosed with clinical depression, I don't know what to do!

    Hello. I am sorry to hear how much you and you partner are struggling. Try not to blame yourself i know that must be hard but it isnt your fault. People with mental illness are goo at hiding how they feel.
    When you visit him just remind him of the good times maybe bring a nice photo album to remind hi of the good times. You are obviously a very kind person for supporting hi and caring so much. Make sure you still put posts on here when you need support as well so you dont feel alone I hope you both feel better soon xxx

  5. #5
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: My boyfriend is diagnosed with clinical depression, I don't know what to do!

    The best you can do is just be there for him. Hug him, tell him you love him. The doctors are going to do the rest.

  6. #6

    Re: My boyfriend is diagnosed with clinical depression, I don't know what to do!

    Thank you all, this means so much to me. I'll make sure he feels loved.

  7. #7

    Re: My boyfriend is diagnosed with clinical depression, I don't know what to do!

    Support him in the best way you can, he'll really appreciate it.

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