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Thread: High Blood Pressure

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    High Blood Pressure

    Hi Everyone,

    I was just wondering if any of you suffer from high blood pressure? I had my very first panic attack just hours after I had taken an overdose of Amitriptyline. Amitriptyline causes cardiac arrest if a fatal dose is taken. I have never been right since, hence I suffer from health anxiety, because I feel my heart has never been right since.

    I have probably been to hospital about 10 times suffering from acute anxiety and panic attacks. Each time my blood pressure and temperature have been sky high. This has been going on for 2 years now.

    I went to see my GP this morning for something routine and he took my blood pressure. It's the highest it's ever been at 198/98! He said I should be dead!! I have just had my blood pressure taken again at work and it's 185/85, which is still high. I googled blood pressure and low and behold the symptoms are exactly what I've been suffering with all this time! I'm now wondering if the overdose has given me high blood pressure and not anxiety as I thought. I'm annoyed that the pattern hasn't been picked up at the hospital or with my doctor, because I've told them so many times that my blood pressure and temperature have been sky high every time I've had to visit them.

    What do you guys reckon?


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    I have to be honest I have never suffered with high blood pressure although I am surprised having had the anxiety and panic attacks since 1982 and trust me I get all the symptoms during a panic attack.

    Due to the health anxiety I have I get my GP to check it when I manage to go which was about a year ago now, im lucky my gp does over the phone help with me.

    I do however know that my father is a sufferer and is on the same medication as you were. If he gets bouts of stress or anxiety which luckily for him is not frequent, his pressure goes through the roof and he has to take to having the dosage increased.

    I think you should speak to the hospital about this and your symptoms and ask them to give you a thorough monitoring.

    I would not worry too much because now blood pressure problems can now be dealt with very safely and I am sure they will deal with what you have said and take a more thorough approach to it.

    Take care and hope it imrproves very soon



  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    hi i cant beleive your doctor told you that u should be dead ,what a load of cr*p,my blood pressure yesterday at the doctors was 176/94 ,he said it just anxiety ,so i bought a bp unit for 9.99 out of lyolds chemist and got it home,i took it myself and i was very anxiious so the first reading was 157/97 ,then i panicked i felt my heart racing and took it again and it then went to 180/107 .i calmed myself down as i new this was anxiety induced and after about half an hour it came down to 119/75 and mostly stayed about that ,i too have high blood pressure at docs for over 5 years but they said as long as it not high at home it has no significance.i too have had a scare with ammitriptilyne about 10 years ago ,i was put on it for my anxiety but felt it wasnt working so the doc told me to take 4 at once within a hour my heart was so fast i had to go to hospital it took about 3 days for it to come back to normal ,and since then ive never put another pill in my mouth ,i too have always had heart symptoms like ectopics flutters fast heart since it happend,but ive had about 300 ecg s and echo cardograhm of heart and blood teasts and they say my heart okay.your heart will be okay as well beleive me if it wasnt they would have picked up on it by now,the blood pressure thing sounds like white coat syndrome ,but one way to no is to test it at home but even then it can go up as we become anxious at taking it and it can be a bad thing to as we then might become obsessed about doing it all the time.also my stepdads blood pressure was 220 /118 and he is still here he was very stressed that day and it came down later on,also 185/85 isnt to bad the top one indactes how anxious you are ,but some peoples bottom 1 goes up to like mine.please try not worry as u certainly shouldnt be dead like your doc said blood pressures only dangerous when it extremly high for a long time like months and months and yours will not be . i hope this nhelps you a little marcia xx
    ps i bet most people o this site have had high readings now and again
    i have to do it for my kids if not for myself marciaxx

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    , , Canada.
    I too sit at the blood pressure machine and my heart begins as soon as I sit down. The bottom number rockets and so does the top. After I calm down it goes down. I have went to the doctors and he sent me to the hospital one day because of the pressure and heart beats being so high and fast.
    I also run a body temperature of just under 100. I still can't understand how i can run a fever when there is no infection.

    Weird hey!


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Les,
    I have suffered v high blood pressure over a year now. I take 3 lots of medication a day for it. It scares the hell out of me when I have a panic attack as I know it goes up during this. My doc says not to worry as the tablets are controlling the BP well. Funny though, my panic attacks started not long after that was diagnosed. I know health anxiety comes with panic disorder. When I feel 'normal' I dont worry at all about my health. My GP is great and I hope yours is too. Its what you need to reassure you that you are not mad!! Incidentally, it took over 8 months to get my BP medication right so you may need a review of your tablets. I wish you luck.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    I have suffered from high bloodpressure for years, but the panic attacks did not start until very recently. I have to say, my bp was more or less under control and now it's back up again, so it might have something to do with it after all...

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