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Thread: Transcript for LIVE Chat with Carl on EFT

  1. #1
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    Transcript for LIVE Chat with Carl on EFT

    [10 30 20:03:31] [Carl's Chat] gemstone: carl, my question is.......can your techiques help with health anxiety?
    [10 30 20:04:07] [Carl's Chat] carldourish: Depends really on the issue of what health anxiety?
    [10 30 20:04:41] [Carl's Chat] nomorepanic: gem - u can reply to that if u wish
    [10 30 20:05:04] [Carl's Chat] gemstone: not imagining illnesses, but worry about existing health issues causing massive anxiety getting in the way of everyday life
    [10 30 20:06:39] [Carl's Chat] carldourish: existing health issues, will effect any person, even those without suffering from anxiety. It depends on what you class as massive?
    [10 30 20:07:38] [Carl's Chat] gemstone: unable to concentrate on anything else, and leading to lack of hope and depression.....pretty big anxiety really.
    [10 30 20:07:39] [Carl's Chat] carldourish: what have you done in the past to stop you feeling like this?
    [10 30 20:08:27] [Carl's Chat] gemstone: tried to reassure myself, sought reassurance from partner, tried to gain more medical information...stuff like that really
    [10 30 20:09:02] [Carl's Chat] gemstone: also tried to distract myself by replacing the worry with other thought,.......sometimes helps, but still struggling
    [10 30 20:09:33] [Carl's Chat] gemstone: still leads to anxiety and a sense of giving up
    [10 30 20:09:40] [Carl's Chat] carldourish: Look at it in a different way, you say you are unable to concentrate on anything,but you are able to concentrate on anxiety.
    [10 30 20:10:03] [Carl's Chat] gemstone: yes, can always concentrate on anxiety :(
    [10 30 20:10:52] [Carl's Chat] nomorepanic: maybe if i let a few more questions come through - all asking the same sort of thing
    [10 30 20:10:56] [Carl's Chat] carldourish: You have a part of you that is able to concentrate on anxiety, what would a part feel like if it didn't?
    [10 30 20:11:38] [Carl's Chat] gemstone: not sure what you mean, carl
    [10 30 20:11:43] [Carl's Chat] laney: Basically im not all up on this so id like to know what it is all about im trying to help a friend well a bf lol and want to know what all this is about
    [10 30 20:11:44] [Carl's Chat] kazzie: so carl can you explain how it works please??
    [10 30 20:11:48] [Carl's Chat] jacsta: is there any kind of overview into what carls techniques do?
    [10 30 20:11:49] [Carl's Chat] RossInBristol: Carl, I know its difficult to explain briefly, but how do your techniques differ to others available, and how may they benefit Anxiety and Phobias sufferers in a way that others cannot?
    [10 30 20:11:54] [Carl's Chat] nomorepanic: ok all similar things there
    [10 30 20:14:54] [Carl's Chat] carldourish: O.K. when you think of your situtation, your unconscious is making movies in your mind. It's how you view these movies effect how you feel. My techniques are no different to other NLP & EFT Technique.
    [10 30 20:15:39] [Carl's Chat] RossInBristol: OK, so what is the primary key in changing the way we view these 'movies'?
    [10 30 20:15:51] [Carl's Chat] kazzie: so how should we view the movies??
    [10 30 20:15:54] [Carl's Chat] RossInBristol: or indeed change the context of these 'movies'?
    [10 30 20:16:48] [Carl's Chat] carldourish: This will be hard to explain in text, but think of a situation now?
    [10 30 20:17:12] [Carl's Chat] jacsta: so basically you have to really try to play your thoughts in slow motion instead of fast forward when you get anxious?
    [10 30 20:17:13] [Carl's Chat] jacsta: then you have to analyse it and see the logic in it?
    [10 30 20:17:25] [Carl's Chat] kazzie: ok i open my front door and im too scared to leave the house
    [10 30 20:17:46] [Carl's Chat] darkangel: is it a case of watching the movie but dont step into it
    [10 30 20:18:44] [Carl's Chat] carldourish: Are you in the movie, really feeling what you see, hear, smell and touch.
    [10 30 20:19:41] [Carl's Chat] kazzie: no i just cant walk up the garden path alone legs go to lead heart pounds etc
    [10 30 20:19:58] [Carl's Chat] RossInBristol: So essentially, you are asking us to analyse the mo

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Feb 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    thanks mary rose.xxxxxxxxxxx

    we are all in the same boat and can guide each other ashore

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
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    Thanks Nic

    Take care

    Elaine x

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Jul 2006
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    Cheers Nic

    Is There Really Gravity, Or Does Earth Just Suck?

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Umm I didn't do it guys. Some other kind person on here did it so don't thank me lol.

    They want to remain anonymous but I appreciate their help.

    People will forget what you said
    People will forget what you did
    But people will never forget how you made them feel


  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2004
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    Thanks anyway for all your hard work on this site. Some of us wouldn't be where we are now without you !!!

    Take care

    Elaine x

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Aug 2004
    , , United Kingdom.
    Some good things on the chat, [^]

    Thank you Carl for taking time out to do this, it was sooo nice of you.

    Thank you mmmmm anonymous person, ohh that must have been hard, I don't know much about pc's [:P][Duh!]

    Nic, this give me chance to say, thank your for this site. I would not be where I am today if it was'nt for this site and that is feeling better. THANK YOU.

    Thanks to all that posts threads and reply to them, you are all special people, NEVER FORGET THAT.



  8. #8
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks Elaine and Jill. Lovely to hear from you both.

    I really want to get some more people doing live chats for us and I even purchased the add-on moderator function and I think Carl will agree that it worked well.

    We just need to convince people to come and give us an hour of their time now to help so many people.

    People will forget what you said
    People will forget what you did
    But people will never forget how you made them feel


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks Nic, Carl and the anonymous helpful person.

    I missed the chat, I haven't logged on enough recently (been too tired). So it was great to be able to read the script. Thanks everyone.

    Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn't do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.


  10. #10
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Thanks Nic, Carl and No More Panic helper.

    I have been practising hard with my techniques and can safely say that they are slowly helping me out.


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