I've been having the lump in the throat feeling for about 2 weeks on and off. Why? Because I obsess. When I have something like this my mind can't leave it alone. Instead of forgetting I wake up thinking "I hope that doesn't happen today" and of course it does.

The only thing I am anxious about is getting this lump which then makes me feel sick and of course being sick is the worst thing in the world.

I've made it worse today by drinking peppermint tea (ironically drinking it because it settles the stomach) which has a bitter repeat taste (when you burp and your food 'repeats') and the last time I had a bitter repeat taste was when I had a stomach bug and threw my guts up all night. So I guess I'm paranoid about having another stomach bug and having a horrible night again.

Just needed to vent! On another note, anyone know how to stop the bitter aftertaste of peppermint tea?