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Thread: Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying

  1. #1

    Unhappy Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying

    I'm a 14 year old female. I've been suffering from emetophobia since I was a little girl. Everyday gets worse, I feel constant nausea every moment of my life, I don't sleep, it makes me feel worse when I eat or drink, I don't go out, I have not been to school for nearly a year because of it, home tuition, I feel like hanging or stabbing myself, I'm terrified of vomiting, I cry everyday, I am getting therapy help but I feel like it's not anxiety that's causing the physical symptoms but Is it, please tell me I'm not going to vomit, how can I assure myself I will never vomit again!xxxx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying

    Hi, Em!

    I am so sorry to hear that you're going through a hard time at the moment. :( I'm an emetophobic myself and HATE it. I also feel nauseous every single day at some point and think that I will be sick, although I never am. Your nausea definitely sounds anxiety related other than an actual illness, though. So, believe me when I say that you WON'T be sick.

    Have you had any CBT? There are people out there that can help you with this awful phobia. BIG HUGS to you.
    I'm a ginger jedi!

    .....and a ninja.

  3. #3

    Re: Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying

    Hi, what's a CBT I've been offered a camera down the throat but I'm scared to have the anaesthesia in case it makes me vomit when I wake up. My life is just utter crap! right now I'm sat downstairs with my dog because I cannot sleep with this either, my nausea has got worse and worse every single day, I'm so glad I found you to talk to aswell. What other symptoms have you got xxx
    Big hugs and kisses xx

  4. #4

    Re: Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying

    Hey I'm 19 I have had this fear also since I was 11 its such a horrible thing to be afraid of and it stops me doing a lot of things. My worry links with this also Im scared of being sick in public and of sick/the smell (everything about it) but also Im scared that if I feel ill Im going to panic and its never going to stop. The way I was taught to try and deal with it is to think what is going to happen if im sick? Im not going to die and no one is going to judge me, if im sick im sick it can't be helped. If you want to talk you can always message me as I know how it feels

  5. #5

    Unhappy Re: Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying


    Thanks for that thread. I'm just terrified I am still doing my CBT course at the moment but I'm only just getting out of the house abit more and I've manage to put on some weight because I was on the board line to anorexia. But I'm really terrified of vomiting, I'm 15 in June and like most teenage girls do they start to think about weddings and dreaming of a family when there older. But I'm terrified to have kids when I'm older, how am I gonna cope with them vomiting and going through morning sickness and that I just feel like killing myself please message me xx

  6. #6

    Re: Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying

    I've been emetophobic for as long as I can remember. I absolutely hate it, I'm not even sure I can describe the utter panic I feel when I think I may be sick.

    Don't be terrified to have children, I have a little girl now and I was utterly terrified of morning sickness, but all I had was nausea I was never sick once (apart from when I had gastroenteritis and even then after being sick once my GP prescribed me with antiemetics - best stuff in the world).

    For me the horror and shame of being sick is awful, I never want people to be around me unless I trust them a great deal. I was unwell this weekend and ended up vomiting twice but I felt better afterwards both times and my husband was amazing. I was like an untrained dog being sick on the floor and I was absolutely mortified and crying on the floor just feeling dirty and ashamed. But it turned out that it was fine. I survived, nothing bad happened to me and most importantly I wasn't judged. Of course none of that means I won't be a shaking nervous mess next time I feel nauseous but I will do what I can to tell myself that the worst that can happen is I'll be sick and then it's over.

    The biggest thing I have to remember, is that for the thousands and thousands of times I feel nauseous and scared of being sick it has happened less than 1% of the time's I've feared it might.

    I hope you're ok, and I'm sure you will not be sick.

    Sarah xx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying

    I have a phobia of puking too. I have had it as long as I can remember. The slightest thing relating to puke makes me go into a panic attack such as smelling something that makes me feel sick or hearing or seeing someone be sick.

    For me its the loss of control feeling just before you are sick that gets to me mostly and also the hot and cold shivers.

    When I feel sick due to something like a stomach bug or hangover I try and tell myself that if I am sick, its my body's way of helping me get better by getting rid of the crap in my system.

    When you do feel sick, stand next to an open window or turn a fan on and stand in front of it. This works wonders for me when I feel sick or panicky.

  8. #8

    Re: Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying

    I'm working on a not-for broadcast taster tape for a major channel to get a series commissioned that is a warm, observational and sensitive look at phobias around eating and vomiting. Last year a new diagnostic definition came in and treatments are growing as departments start to specialise.

    I'm looking to speak to people for research and to interview for our non-broadcast tape and help get this series commissioned and spread understanding and awareness around these issues that most people don't know about.

    I know when I was a teenager I had a severe choking phobia that totally took over my life and no-one really understood.

    It would be great to tell you a bit more about the project if you can make the time.

    Please email send me your email addresses if you'd like to find out more.

    Thank you for your time


  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jun 2011

    Re: Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying

    I am also scared of been sick! im 23 years old and still cry! However, I can count on one hand the amount of times I have been sick in my whole life time. I know how hard it is but try not let this ruin your life. I'm pregnant now too and I have been sick a few times, but its completely different to been poorly sick, so dont worry about having children xx
    Iv diagnosed my self with every cancer out there, but never the common cold...

  10. #10

    Re: Terrified of Vomiting/Feel like Dying

    Hi everyone, I can't believe I have found people just like me
    I have felt alone for years and years. The fear of being sick
    Controls my life I also feel sick everyday I can't sleep most nights
    Incase it comes through the night, I can't work incase am ill or if
    Someone was ill at work and I would catch it, I will never go on
    Holiday in case am ill, I don't go out much I watch what I eat, the list goes
    On and on. I just wish I could change or be someone else. I hate me
    And the way I am. All I see if everyone else having a life and am just stuck!
    This is the only place I feel I can open up cos you all will understand.

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