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Thread: Top Tips for Health Anxiety Sufferers

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Post Top Tips for Health Anxiety Sufferers

    So I have suffered with health anxiety for a long time now and I know what works and what doesn't work. Here are some top tips that WILL help you:

    1.Distance yourself from your Thoughts - two books that really influenced me were 'Stop Thinking, Start Living' by Richard Carlson and 'At last a Life' by Paul David. A new book I have read as well is called 'The Power of Now' by Eckhart Tolle. I took from these books something that will significantly change your perception; Thoughts are not real, they're just thoughts. Be the watcher of your thoughts rather than engaging with them. This automatically will help decrease your anxiety over time. It takes practice to be aware and recognise negative thoughts but once you know this it gets so much easier. They're just thoughts and if they are negative, disassociate yourself from them...

    2.Change your Diet - Try and eat a healthy diet as much as you can. It makes you feel so much better and if you feel better in yourself you're less likely to experience anxiety. This means eating a balanced, healthy diet with less sugar, fatty, processed and refined foods and avoid caffeine. Drink plenty of water as well to flush out your system.

    3.Avoid Alcohol and Drugs - This goes without saying. Don't drink, if you suffer from anxiety alcohol is like a swing, you feel good when drinking but you crash the day after and gradually over time with repeated use it makes you feel terrible. Plus with anxiety you're more likely to abuse alcohol because of the effects it has on your anxiety levels - it's more addictive if you feel you have got reason to drink. I can't stress enough that you should stop drinking alcohol, or if you're good at controlling it, drink very small amounts. I'm young, only 23, but I've had to give up alcohol altogether because it was becoming a problem. I feel so much better and it gets easier the longer the time of abstinence.

    Not taking recreational drugs is just an obvious one. No one really knows the effects of these drugs and they're dangerous and mess up your brain chemistry. I mean my anxiety started all after smoking weed which led to my first panic attack. Never again I tell you! Just don't bother, it's not worth it. Only exception is if you have been prescribed medication by a professional. Obviously if this is the case, then feel free to take them. These drugs have been rigorously studied and some have been known to help especially if you're suffering from extreme anxiety/panic and you need something to break the cycle.

    4.Herbs/Remedies/Essential Oils/Other - Two herbs that really help are valerian and hops (Kalms are a really good brand), lavender and jasmine oils, or anything with these scents in, are both extremely good for anxiety (jasmine has been proven in scientific study), Bach remedies are great (their night capsules are really good for sleep), Incense is great to put on during the day, Epsom Salts for the bath are extremely good for tension and sore muscles (The Eco Bath, Balance and Calming Epsom salt bath soak is amazing and really helps especially before bed).

    5.CBT (Cognitive Behavioural Therapy) - I'd advise anyone to have CBT. It is the most helpful thing you could ever! It is amazing and I think anyone could do with it because so many people are a victim to their own minds and thoughts. Get transferred via your GP or do a course online or whichever way you can learn it, DO IT! Once you've learnt it you have it in your 'toolbox' for the rest of your life and I can tell you, it will improve the quality of your life immeasurably

    6.Distractions/ProductivityEven if you don't feel like it force yourself to go out and do stuff. Join a new class, something you're interested in, get a new hobbie, go out with friends, meet new people (try and surround yourself with positive balanced people especially when you're going through a vulnerable phase as it will help you feel more positive). This will help in distraction and will put your fears into perspective more by not constantly dwelling on them.

    That's just some of my Top Tips. If you want to ask me anything at all just send me a message and I will get back to you. I hope I can be help anyone suffering. You will get through this in time and then when you get anxiety again it won't be as bad . Take these tips on board and you will start feeling better if you take some of this advise. These really do work .

    Love and Light xxx

  2. #2

    Re: Top Tips for Health Anxiety Sufferers

    these were very helpful...feeling particularly anxious tonight ahaha x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: Top Tips for Health Anxiety Sufferers

    I am so glad I'm going through a bit of a phase too at the moment! Hence the late post ahaha X

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