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Thread: Floaty or "not there" feeling that isn't derealization?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2012

    Floaty or "not there" feeling that isn't derealization?

    This odd feeling comes in waves for me. I just feel so light and floaty and weak and afraid to move and my surroundings seem suddenly overwhelming and I feel like I'm going to lose control and start screaming. Everything suddenly seems too hard and too much. Derealization doesn't sound like the same thing; I still feel like I'm in my body and I feel real. Or is it derealization?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Floaty or "not there" feeling that isn't derealization?

    I can't think of a name for it but it's definitely anxiety related. I used to get odd feelings like that in the past.
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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2009

    Re: Floaty or "not there" feeling that isn't derealization?

    I think technically this is still derealisation. The feeling that you're not real is depersonalisation (but often the feelings come simultaneously). Derealisation is usually described as a feeling that the world isn't real coupled with a feeling of being 'spaced'.

    Before I knew the technical term for it, I used to describe it as like I was dreaming my life instead of living it. When I looked back on the day, for instance, it was like I dreamed it. It's a very isolating sensation.

    But sometimes it was just the same as you have described - a perceptual distortion of the world (the external world being overwhelming) coupled with a feeling of spaciness and weakness.

    The important thing is that it's just a symptom of anxiety. My therapist explained to me that disassociation (which derealisation is part of) is beyond 'panic attack' on a kind of panic spectrum. You've become very anxious and you're suffering from an episode similar to a panic attack, but in this case the same defense mechanism that appears in victims of a car crash (It's like it was all a dream etc) kicks in to protect you from feelings that appear to be unbearable to you.

    Derealisation can't hurt you and is temporary. Accept that it's happening, notice it is a part of your anxiety and a sign that you are over stressed, and treat the stress by stopping whatever it is you're doing for a second and doing something nice for yourself instead (if possible - depends on where you are I guess!)

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