I find it amazing that when I begin to feel better, I miraculously seem to forget what got me there. I have felt so much better the last three weeks and for the most part, have been enjoying my life.

So what happens for me is that it's like going on a diet, and losing the twenty pounds that I wanted to lose, and then going back to eating apple pie and ice cream every night. Here comes that twenty pounds again.

I feel better and I seem to forget that this is a disease that needs consistent work and maintenance. So I begin to put back on " one pound of anxiety a day".

I journaled this morning and immediately figured out my problem. I had been working so hard: making time for 30 minutes a day of watching something that would make me laugh; journaling every morning; working my online CBT course daily; reading the book, Feel The Fear And Do It Anyway, for 15-20 minutes; relaxation tape for 30 minutes every other day.

So I begin to feel so much better and I began to let each of these things slide. Amazing what can happen within a week of not taking care of myself. I must think that I have this thing beat and don't have to do these things anymore. Oh, not so true. This is a life change that needs to continue.

New habits take a long time to become ingrained and old habits sneak back in so quickly. I still feel well but have felt my anxiety begin to insidiously slip back in. That is just NOT going to happen.

I need to remember to continue to practice the daily regimen that is beginning to change my life for the better. My small blip has been self created, just as my anxiety is self created.

Would be curious to hear others stories of how they find the discipline to keep up with their practices that keep them healthy.

Hope everyone has a great Sunday!