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Thread: EFT tapping for panic attack

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    EFT tapping for panic attack

    I subscribe to and EFT newsletter (you can find it at and in the last one there was a guide on how to tap for panic attacks.
    I've copied it here:

    Hello everyone here,

    I have been having PA's [Panic Attacks] and chronic anxiety for almost ten years. I have given up work (college lecturer/counsellor) and pretty much don't go anywhere (I get very panicky when I go further than about 10 miles from home). I have read Nicola's excellent book, and I've tried EFT but I'm a bit confused about just what I'm tapping for. The problem is that I learned to 'control' my (classic) panic attacks quite early on, but my (very clever!) body found different ways to draw my attention to my 'burning house'. So instead of classic PA's, I will feel terribly sick, and or get problems with my eyesight, and or get jelly legs (so that I bump into things), and so many other things over the years that I just don't trust myself any more. My confidence is at zero. I just don't know what my body will come up with next.

    My burning house is, I THINK, something to do with assertiveness, and also my relationship with my mother. My mother is ill at the moment, and in hospital 150 miles away, and I'm in agonies of guilt because I can't go and see her. I am truly at the end of my tether - I'm having psychotherapy, but of course it's by phone because I won't travel to where she practices. I can see no way out, and everyone here talks about how brilliant EFT is - and I just don't think I'm doing it right. I would be so grateful for any help. I truly am desperate. I have a superb husband, who is utterly supportive (and reckons it's all down to my relationship with my mum - he says she's controlling and unkind). Thank you for listening Julia x

    Silvia Hartmann's response:

    Julia, EFT is so marvelous because YOU get to CONTROL exactly what you're tapping on.

    Make a list and just tap through it to start with, so you get to learn how it FEELS and just what kind of things work for you, what type of statements, and how you respond (it's like you're learning to become your own therapist and get to know yourself in the process).

    From your mail, there are a heap of opening statements you can try out:

    - I have had chronic anxiety for almost ten years and I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.

    That would be a good start to any "let's listen to Julia and try and balance her energy system so she feels better" session to begin with.

    - I don't go anywhere

    - I'm a bit confused about just what I'm tapping for.

    - Even though I tried to 'control' my (classic) panic attacks ...

    - Evn though I will feel terribly sick, ....

    - Even though I problems with my eyesight,

    - Even though I get jelly legs ....

    - Even though I bump into things ...

    Confidence Set:

    - Even though I just don't trust myself any more ...

    - Even though my confidence is at zero.

    - Even though I just don't know what my body will come up with next ...

    - Even though I THINK my burning house is something to do with assertiveness ...

    <As an aside, you marked out THINK in capitals in that sentence. I don't know what that means but as it's marked out, it means something IMPORTANT to YOU. So try a tap on:

    - Even though I THINK, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.

    **** I'd make that one a priority if I were you.>

    Next set:

    Even though my mother is ill, I deeply ...

    Even though I'm in agonies of guilt ....

    Even though I am truly at the end of my tether ...

    <WHAT tether? What is the tether tethering you to WHAT?>

    Next set:

    Even though I can see no way out, ...

    Even though I just don't think I'm doing it right...

    Even though I truly am desperate ...

    Even though I have a superb husband ...

    Even though my husband says my mother is controlling and unkind ...

    As you can see, I just took your own words from your email, paragraph by paragraph, to highlight just HOW you create your own custom made opening st

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    This highlights what I say, make the setup personal to you. See the many aspects that you may need to tap on.


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , United Kingdom.
    ive been trying eft on my legs for ages and it just doesnt seem to work as much as it did at first. Its one symptom i want gone more than any other.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    try this set-up "even though i have this my legs for ages, and it's the one symptom i want gone more than any other i love and accept myself, forgive myself and anyone else who may have contributed towards it"

    Also while your tapping does the pain move or change, if so you need to tap for this. For example 'dull pain' then changes to 'numb pain' Also if it moves from leg to knee, then tap on knee pain.

    Hope i explained clearly.


  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    <b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">
    try this set-up "even though i have this my legs for ages, and it's the one symptom i want gone more than any other i love and accept myself, forgive myself and anyone else who may have contributed towards it"
    </td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">
    Why should becci have to think that? As far as I know there's no proof that EFT actually works beyond the placebo effect/power of suggestion. Meridian points and Energy fields are mythical.

    There's many things to show why "Alternative Therapies" can seemingly help. But not because they're any good.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    , , United Kingdom.

    No! Placebo effects require some belief in the process and this is rarely the case for newcomers to EFT. Also, although EFT may appear to be distracting, it will not work if the client is, in fact, distracted. That is why the client continually repeats a reminder phrase which "tunes in" to the problem.

    Meridian and energy therapy is the only known therapy, whereupon one ask's the person/group recieving therapy is asked to think of their issue.

    Don't tell me, I guess you take medication and taking alternative medication such as 'kava kava, yet there is no test that clarifies they work together.

    In preliminary clinical trials involving more than 29,000 patients from 11 allied treatment centers in South America during a 14-year period, a variety of randomized, double-blind pilot studies were conducted. In one of these, approximately 5,000 patients diagnosed at intake with an anxiety disorder were randomly assigned to an experimental group (tapping) or a control group (cognitive behavior therapy /medication). Ratings were given by independent clinicians who interviewed each patient at the close of therapy, at 1 month, at 3 months, at 6 months, and at 12 months. The raters made a determination of complete remission of symptoms, partial remission of symptoms, or no clinical response. The raters did not know if the patient received CBT/medication or tapping. They knew only the initial diagnosis, the symptoms, and the severity, as judged by the intake staff. At the close of therapy: 63% of the control group were judged as having improved; 90% of the experimental group were judged as having improved. 51% of the control group were judged as being symptom free; 76% of the experimental group were judged as symptom free.

    At one-year follow-up, the patients receiving the tapping treatments were substantially less prone to relapse or partial relapse than those with CBT/medication, as indicated by the independent raters assessments and corroborated by brain imaging and neurotransmitter profiles. In a related pilot study by the same team, the length of treatment was substantially shorter with energy therapy and associated methods than with CBT/medication (mean = 3 sessions vs. mean = 15 sessions). If subsequent research corroborates these early findings, it will be a notable development since CBT/medication is currently the established standard of care for anxiety disorders and the greater effectiveness of the energy approach suggested by this study would be highly significant.

    Despite its odd-seeming procedures and eye-raising claims, evidence is accumulating that energy-based psychotherapy, which involves stimulating acupuncture points or other energy systems while bringing troubling emotions or situations to mind,1 is more effective in the treatment of anxiety disorders than the current standard of care, which utilizes a combination of medication and cognitive behavior therapy. This paper:

    1. Presents preliminary data supporting this assertion.

    2. Discusses indications and contraindications for the use of energy therapy with anxiety as well as other conditions.

    NOTE: This paper was written for and appears in Energy Psychology Interactive: An Integrated Book and CD Program for Learning the Fundamentals of Energy Psychology (Ashland, OR: Innersource, in press).Phil Friedman, Ph.D., and Gary Craig provided astute critiques of an earlier version of this paper, and their contributions are gratefully acknowledged. Permission to copy for personal and educational purposes, with this note included, is freely granted.

    3. Speculates on the mechanisms by which

    a) tapping specific areas of the skin while

    b) a stimulus that triggers a disturbed emotional response is mentally accessed

    apparently alleviates certain psychological disorders.

    A Winding Road to Effective Anxiety Treatment

    The first author describes his initial encounter with panic disorder, in a crowded urban hospital emergency room, some 30 years ago: The patient was trembling, dizzy, and terrified, pleading, Help me, Doc, I feel lik

  7. #7

    Re: EFT tapping for panic attack

    Quote Originally Posted by Eveline View Post
    I subscribe to and EFT newsletter (you can find it at and in the last one there was a guide on how to tap for panic attacks.
    I've copied it here:

    Hello everyone here,

    I have been having PA's [Panic Attacks] and chronic anxiety for almost ten years. I have given up work (college lecturer/counsellor) and pretty much don't go anywhere (I get very panicky when I go further than about 10 miles from home). I have read Nicola's excellent book, and I've tried EFT but I'm a bit confused about just what I'm tapping for. The problem is that I learned to 'control' my (classic) panic attacks quite early on, but my (very clever!) body found different ways to draw my attention to my 'burning house'. So instead of classic PA's, I will feel terribly sick, and or get problems with my eyesight, and or get jelly legs (so that I bump into things), and so many other things over the years that I just don't trust myself any more. My confidence is at zero. I just don't know what my body will come up with next.

    My burning house is, I THINK, something to do with assertiveness, and also my relationship with my mother. My mother is ill at the moment, and in hospital 150 miles away, and I'm in agonies of guilt because I can't go and see her. I am truly at the end of my tether - I'm having psychotherapy, but of course it's by phone because I won't travel to where she practices. I can see no way out, and everyone here talks about how brilliant EFT is - and I just don't think I'm doing it right. I would be so grateful for any help. I truly am desperate. I have a superb husband, who is utterly supportive (and reckons it's all down to my relationship with my mum - he says she's controlling and unkind). Thank you for listening Julia x

    Silvia Hartmann's response:

    Julia, EFT is so marvelous because YOU get to CONTROL exactly what you're tapping on.

    Make a list and just tap through it to start with, so you get to learn how it FEELS and just what kind of things work for you, what type of statements, and how you respond (it's like you're learning to become your own therapist and get to know yourself in the process).

    From your mail, there are a heap of opening statements you can try out:

    - I have had chronic anxiety for almost ten years and I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.

    That would be a good start to any "let's listen to Julia and try and balance her energy system so she feels better" session to begin with.

    - I don't go anywhere

    - I'm a bit confused about just what I'm tapping for.

    - Even though I tried to 'control' my (classic) panic attacks ...

    - Evn though I will feel terribly sick, ....

    - Even though I problems with my eyesight,

    - Even though I get jelly legs ....

    - Even though I bump into things ...

    Confidence Set:

    - Even though I just don't trust myself any more ...

    - Even though my confidence is at zero.

    - Even though I just don't know what my body will come up with next ...

    - Even though I THINK my burning house is something to do with assertiveness ...

    &lt;As an aside, you marked out THINK in capitals in that sentence. I don't know what that means but as it's marked out, it means something IMPORTANT to YOU. So try a tap on:

    - Even though I THINK, I deeply and profoundly love and accept myself.

    **** I'd make that one a priority if I were you.&gt;

    Next set:

    Even though my mother is ill, I deeply ...

    Even though I'm in agonies of guilt ....

    Even though I am truly at the end of my tether ...

    &lt;WHAT tether? What is the tether tethering you to WHAT?&gt;

    Next set:

    Even though I can see no way out, ...

    Even though I just don't think I'm doing it right...

    Even though I truly am desperate ...

    Even though I have a superb husband ...

    Even though my husband says my mother is controlling and unkind ...

    As you can see, I just took your own words from your email, paragraph by paragraph, to highlight just HOW you create your own custom made opening st
    Yep, a personal setup is important since it's the details that reveal what is the true underlying issue that's causing the symptoms. Though I think from this example, the writer has to find out all of the "aspects" of her relationship with her mother, and even go through each significant event to release any pent up trauma and anxiety related to it.

    A panic attack like that I think would require a long term "resolving" using EFT, it would mean going through every panic trigger and healing it until it doesn't trigger any panic anymore, or at least a controllable level of anxiety.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: EFT tapping for panic attack

    Just a quick headsup; the last post in this thread was 2006, so you're unlikely to get a response.
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    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

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