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Thread: stomach polyps. so scared waiting for biopsy results even though my doc's not worried

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    stomach polyps. so scared waiting for biopsy results even though my doc's not worried

    Hi all,
    I'm so worried.
    I had an endoscopy done on the 5th of November. My doc found a couple of small polyps. He took biopsies. The results still aren't back.
    He did say he's not worried as they're very often caused by the acid reducing omeprazole that I'm taking. He said they don't become cancerous but had to take a biopsy to be doubly sure there's nothing to worry about.
    I'm now really worried as I can't believe it's taking this long for the results.
    I wonder if they've lost them or if there's something seriously wrong.
    I have read they are very very common after taking omeprazole and cause no problems and can go away on their own.
    My brain's still doing the what if routine though!
    Has anyone else got any info on polyps?

    Also, I've started worrying again about the loose sand on my driveway. I had a new drive laid and they put sand between the blocks and there's still some loose sand about even after a lot of sweeping.
    Sand is mainly silica and if you breathe in a lot of silica dust you can get silicosis. I worry about walking a small amount into the house or if there's silica dust outside the open windows on windy days.
    I even saw my asthma specialist about this and he said not to worry it's only people working with loads of the dust for years and that a few grains of sand won't hurt. How can he be so sure.
    Sorry for rambling, I'll leave you all in peace now.
    Health Anxiety is such a pain in the ar^^!

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: stomach polyps. so scared waiting for biopsy results even though my doc's not wor

    you'll be fine! my dad had polyps cut out of his rear end a couple years ago. Not cancerous but they sure caused a lot of inconveniences for him if you know what i mean.

    and you think HEALTH ANXIETY is a pain in the @$$... ^_^

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: stomach polyps. so scared waiting for biopsy results even though my doc's not wor

    Hi pacer, waiting for results is never nice!

    Have you taken any steps to deal with your anxiety? Some CBT would help you get through periods like this in a more healthy way rather than being overcome with worry.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2013

    Re: stomach polyps. so scared waiting for biopsy results even though my doc's not wor

    Hi Nighttime pacer, I don't know too much about the Polyps but I do know a lot about Silica, your Dr is right. It is something that develops over a long period of time. I completely understand your fears but please beleive me when I tell you that your respiratory system is such an amazing machine there are so many defences particles need to get through in order for it to go into your lungs and even then, your mucous membranes capture the particles. Please try not to worry about the sand, I completely understand how you feel as I too have similar fears about other things so I know its easy to say than do. Just remember that you're safe and its not going to hurt you. Take a few deep breaths and know you are fine.

  5. #5
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    Aug 2012

    Re: stomach polyps. so scared waiting for biopsy results even though my doc's not wor

    I tried some CBT a while back but it didn't help much. I think it's cause while logically I know it's unlikely that the biopsy will come back with a problem and that I'm not likely to develop silicosis, it is still possible. Unlikely but still possible. It seems unless I can be sure something can't cause a problem then my mind still goes off on it's worst case scenario jaunts!
    I do find this forum really helpful though at least I know I'm not alone in this.
    Take care everyone.
    Nighttime Pacer

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: stomach polyps. so scared waiting for biopsy results even though my doc's not wor

    Quote Originally Posted by Nighttime pacer View Post
    I think it's cause while logically I know it's unlikely that the biopsy will come back with a problem and that I'm not likely to develop silicosis, it is still possible. Unlikely but still possible.
    Many things in life are possible, most are not likely. Like hitting the lotto for instance. The chances of you getting silicosis are pretty much like hitting the lotto but like the lotto you have to play to win. So, unless you go outside, roll in the driveway every day, making sure you get some of that sand on you and making sure you inhale deeply, you're not playing and thus the chances are nil.

    The same goes for recovery. CBT only works if you practice the methods regularly. Much like practicing an instrument, you have to spend the time and work at it until it becomes second nature. If you learn a song and don't play it for a few years, chances are you won't remember when you get a request to play it.

    With all due respect, it seems that you're comfortable with your anxiety and hanging out in the A lounge makes you feel at home.

    Positive thoughts
    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 21-12-13 at 01:21.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: stomach polyps. so scared waiting for biopsy results even though my doc's not wor

    Quote Originally Posted by Fishmanpa View Post
    Many things in life are possible, most are not likely. Like hitting the lotto for instance. The chances you getting silicosis are pretty much like hitting the lotto but like the lotto you have to play to win. So, unless you go outside, roll in the driveway every day, making sure you get some of that sand on you and making sure you inhale deeply, you're not playing and thus the chances are nil.

    The same goes for recovery. CBT only works if you practice the methods regularly. Much like practicing an instrument, you have to spend the time and work at it until it becomes second nature. If you learn a song and don't play it for a few years, chances are you won't remember when you get a request to play it.

    With all due respect, it seems that you're comfortable with your anxiety and hanging out in the A lounge makes you feel at home.

    Positive thoughts
    Exactly what this gentleman says.

    Sure, there is a chance. There is also a chance that you will be electrocuted to death by your computer tonight but are you worrying about that right now?

    Unfortunately, the flip side of "very unlikely" is always "it's possible". Accepting that is one of the first steps of moving forward hon

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