hey hey hey...

I am not going to let this little reunion pass without popping in my head!

Congratulations to the new marriage, to the anniversary of a loving relationship and to having the courage to come to this place to speak to others about your suffering and fears!

For it does take courage to openly speak about what we experience.

Sue - your words also touched me deep. For I believe accepting the setbacks is perhaps part of the whole process and should not be neglected.

I too had several setbacks the last months. Being on holiday also set me off and as usual, enjoying the extra cappuccino and glass of wine did not help me at all. Now I am also again clearing the way for myself to go forward. Not easy but I do so so so hope to grow stronger with each attempt.

My husband once told me that I have to accept myself for who I am. I shrugged his advice off and thought that after six months, a year, surely I will be my old self again. Which I am in fact, but not without panic disorder. Not without a new approach to life.

As soon as I neglect my approach and things get hectic...then I tumble down that deep dark well again and end up feeling miserable and very much alone (to quote TMT). I often check up in the forum but seldom post. I guess I need the essence or reminder that I am not fighting alone.

Alas, the truth is I am trying to accept myself. I want to change the things I can and work on it.

Keep us updated if you like. I hope your anniversary celebrations was pleasant!
