Hello everyone, hope you're having a good evening.

On Tuesday, I had to have an endoscopy and for some very ODD reason, I wasn't even anxious about it. Even when I got there and was ready to go in.

Anyway, I had to wait a while before they got round to giving me a shot in my arm as I opted for sedation (which I hated, by the way, since I HATE needles lol). After that, I had to wait 15 minutes before going in to have the endoscopy.

Firstly, they sprayed the back of my throat with the numbing spray and it tasted like sour bananas. Not very nice, but nothing bad at all. It feels like you can't swallow but you can. That was uncomfortable but seriously, it wasn't even that bad. All I remember after that was closing my eyes and feeling the camera in my throat (didn't even know they had put the mouth guard in or swallowing the camera), then before I knew it, I was being wheeled back into the ward where the nurse gave me biscuits and a nice hot cup of tea. I'd definitely have another one if the doctors told me to without hesitation. And I'm the biggest WIMP in the whole world haha.

I need to say that you should NOT read bad experiences with this because honestly, it was nothing! No gagging, no nausea, no pain, nothing. Well, I only felt faint but that's because I just hate needles and seeing blood lol.

I know how you all feel, though. We always assume the worst out of things like this, but always turn out completely fine.

Apparently, I have a weak esophagus just like my dad. So I'm GLAD I know the causes of my horrible symptoms. Gotta wait to get some medication from the doctors now.

Good Luck to anyone that has to have this done!