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Thread: Extra Heartbeats

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Extra Heartbeats

    Hi Everyone.

    This is my first post.

    I have been suffering for ectopic beats for the last year. I have them everyday & i can honestly say that they are totally ruining my life. Im convinced that i am on borrowed time and that its only a matter of time before one of these gained/skipped beats actually kills me. I know this may come across as over the top but these gained/skipped beats are really concerning.

    I have at least 10 - 20 a day every day. I have had bloodwork carried out and ECGs and a Holter test. The bloods were apparently fine, then ECGS are always fine and the Holter monitor recorded lots of ectopics to which i was told was nothing to be concerned about. How can i now be conerned about my heart skipping or gaining a beat????

    Im a 23 year old male. Overweight and smokes. I have stopped drinking and lost a stone in the last couple of months which hasnt really helped me at all as im still getting the ectopics as regular as normal.

    I know lots of other people suffer from the same condition and i was hoping that someone could explain a little about the symptoms im having i think my lack of knowledge about ectopics has an impact that it concerns me so much.

    Anyone willing to give me some advice and info please do so as i would be very grateful of the reasurance.

    Many Thanks In advance


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , USA.
    I think im getting these. but im not sure. i am 26 yr old male also a heavy smoker. I read that smoking can cause them.

    My symptoms are this. Let me knwo if it is what you are experiencing. I dont get this everyday. But once in awhile i get them. I feel it in my chest sort of. I cant really explain the feeling. Its not pain. But it feels like a contraction or a gas type feeling. Something weird, then there is a pause, then a stronger heart beat.. so its like this .. boom.. Boom.. boom.. (weirdfeeling)..pause.. BOOM. then back to normal rythm. boom.. boom.. boom. Is this what u get?

    They say that everyone gets these beats. but why are some aware of it and some arent i have no idea.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.

    Mine are simalar, but worse, for example during the time between me writing the topic to replying now, so a few hours, i must have had about 30 gained beats, no pain just a feeling where my body surges after the gained beats.

    Its awful and is seriously making me depressed

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    , , USA.
    Yeah its confusing cause everyone says they feel different things. Sometimes i have no idea if what i have or feel is the same as everyone else. I get sometimes like a jolt feeling in the chest. this happens only right when im about to fall asleep.> Its like an electric shock that wakes me up. Not really a pain more of a jolt. Im not even sure this is the heart. Or just nerves firing off

    The only thing i do have which im pretty sure is the heart is that skipped beat thing.> but mine is like a weird contraction feeling ..

    let me ask you. when u get the weird feeling.. is there a pause then an extra strong heart beat right after?

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , Australia.
    These really aren't anything to worry about.
    I have had them for a while and have been to see the head specialist in Perth, West Aus.
    It is not acctually a missed beat, but that is exactly what it feels like.
    What happens is that the electrical impulse that causes your heart to beat sometimes fires off another wall of the heart causing it to contract and have a 'mini beat'.
    Your heart being the clever organ that it is registers this mini beat and acctually stalls your regular heartbeat to beat at the time that it would have if the mini beat hadn't gone off.
    During this small pause your heart fills a little more than normal and so has to beat hard to expel the extra blood. That is the hard thump you feel after the pause.
    So really, it's just your heart being smart!!

    I find it really interesting that so many of us with anxiety also have ectopics!

  6. #6
    Join Date
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    , , USA.
    Yes that makes sense. What confuses me is that they say ectopics are normal and most people get them. If this is true why are most people totally unaware of it while others feel or are aware of some pretty profound feelings when it happens. Is it that our nerves are extra sensitive so we are feeling things most people wouldnt? Is it because people with heart disease have different types of ectopic beats?
    I have no idea im just hoping that being 26 and having no family history of early heart disease puts me at a low risk.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2006
    , , Denmark.
    Having your heart checked out as thoroughly as you have proves that you have nothing wrong with your heart.
    I've had these ectopics all my life, but they never bothered me until I got anxiety. After that, for some reason, I always believed that my heart would stop.
    But after battling this for 3 years I notice that my heart is still beating just fine.
    If you think about it, we are more sensitive to everything that has to do with our bodies.
    Some worry about moles that others wouldn't notice. Some worry about lumps that are hardly there.
    That's what this illness is all about, worrying about stuff that's really not worth worrying about.
    So with you age, your family history and all your check-ups, you are just fine.
    Try to not let these things scare you and they will subside.
    Take care.

    "You can't yell loud enough to make me shut up."

  8. #8
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    , , United Kingdom.
    Hi Guys,

    Thanks for all the replies, its nice to be able to talk to people who experience the same symptoms as me.

    I do try desperately to not think about them, but it seems in my mind that there slowly getting for frequent and therefore worse. Its very hard for me not to dwell on the them, sometimes i get a pain in my chest and it will set my mind thinking the worst, deep down i realise that this will be contributing to my anxiety about the whole situation and therefore making it worse.

    Its a tough thing to live with and it does worry me.

    Does anyone else get pain when they experience there ectopics??? Sometimes i do sometimes i dont.

    "Aussies" post interested me as it makes sense. I think having the knowledge abou the problem is half the battle.

    Thanks again guys, look forward to some more posts.


  10. #10
    Join Date
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    , , United Kingdom.

    Please try not to worry about them. I've have had them for over a year now and have given them far to much inportance. They are horried and scary and i have them every day, my only wish is to be free off them one day. But i know now they are harmless, just incredibly anoying. All my test are clear, like every body else who have them. Good luck!

    Snoopy x

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