As you know Mental health problems might actually be more common than People think. One in four of us will be affected by mental illness in any year. That's why starting a conversation about mental health is important. It helps people to know they're not alone, it can strengthen relationships between friends, family and colleagues. And it starts to take the taboo out of something that affects us all.

Time to Change], England's biggest mental health anti-stigma programme, run by the charities Mind and Rethink Mental Illness, aims to get more people talking about mental health than ever before with their 'Time to Talk Day' on Thursday 6 February.

Time to Change’s latest advertising campaign aims to show that “It’s the little things which make a big difference” when it comes to mental health – such as having a cup of tea and a chat. And on Time to Talk Day they’re encouraging people to do just that.

We’re supporting Time to Talk Day, which aims to inspire a million conversations - to show that mental health problems are common and having those conversations needn’t be as hard as people sometimes fear.

Can you be part of it too?

Visit the website to find out how you can order conversation starting tools (including Time to Talk teabags), follow Time to Change on social media and get inspiration from other organisations and individuals who will be taking part in the big conversation on 6 February.

Today NMP is supporting Time to Talk day by encouraging members to talk about their mental health problems with others to reduce the stigma of mental health.

We all know how Mental health problems affect us so we need to help spread the word about it, even if it is a quick chat over a cuppa...