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Thread: Is this crohns?

  1. #1

    Is this crohns?

    I know I've been posting a fair bit recently, I'm really sorry!

    Basically I've been having a LOT of acid reflux recently (chest pain, taste at the back of throat, regurgitation) I've also been getting a lot of stomach pain and flatulence. I've always suffered from stomach pain and indigestion but this is worse than usual, though I am on domperidone for my reflux so it could be that.
    Because of the chest pain I've always been worried about my heart, however I recently saw something (Dr Google, my worst enemy) that said these symptoms could be related to Crohn's. By now I know better and normally I'd take this result on the internet with a pinch of salt, however there are two factors that massively concern me:

    - my health anxiety causes symptoms, so normally if I think I have an illness, I'll then start to get the symptoms related to that illness I apparently 'have'. However, the thought that it could be Crohns didn't even cross my mind at all until today

    - I have immediate family with Crohn's (my brother has a very bad case of it and is frequently in hospital and having operations) and until now I didn't realise it could be hereditary

    Until now I didn't even think about it, however since discovering this I remembered that my brother began to show symptoms at the exact same age I did and at a very stressful time in his life (the final year of uni, which I'm currently doing). I'm of course now absolutely terrified as my brothers crohn's has massively effected his quality of life, and he's recently had to have a colostomy bag because he's in so much pain all the time.

    My brothers crohns started out as IBS, my urm 'bowel movements' have been relatively normal but occasionally does change (sorry tmi I know) however I of course am now so scared that it's manifesting itself in a slightly different way to my brother

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2013

    Re: Is this crohns?

    Hi India

    The best thing to do is visit your GP. who can refer you for checks to see whether it is crohns or IBS or similar. Don't forgot if you do go to GP mention that your brother has crohns and you are worried.
    Please don't Google I have done the crime of this I had abdominal pains and have a few scans to see what was happening I thought I had bowel cancer at 29/30 this all started when my Dad got sent to do his bowel screening because of his age, his test was fine.
    I have bad bad health anxiety

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Is this crohns?

    First, I have crohns, and have had it for 20yrs and never had an operation. So crohns isn't the end of the world, and every case is different.

    That being said, I don't think you have crohns. First, have you had a blood test? There are certain markers (such as inflammation, iron count, and others) that can point or exclude crohns or ulcerative colitis.

    Second, when I had my first flare I lost 60lbs in a short period of time. It was very evident.

    From what I know there can be a genetic component, such that someone may be statistically more likely to have it. But I meet a lot of people with crohns (since I am part of a not for profit related to it) and I have never met someone with a sibling who has it. I think it is more likely stress, IBS or acid reflux.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Is this crohns?

    I have Crohn's and no-one else in my family has ever had it.

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2008

    Re: Is this crohns?

    I was diagnosed with crohns when I was 20 im lucky to of had it in small bowel only so no operation required my symptoms were vomiting loss of weight passing blood and clots and really sore stomach, I nearly died from one flare up was so ill couldn't eat or drink and my body was shutting down and the crazy thing is that was a walk in the park compared to my gad and ha I to have bad reflux chest pain all the bloody time arms burning etc feels like if u put ur arm out of car window when its raining also getting jaw pain ear pain bloated just feel so ill like im dying everyday its awful but what u are saying sounds anxiety related not crohns as another person said blood test to see if anaemic for iron etc and also a colonoscopy can confirm any inflammation hope u keep well xxx

  6. #6

    Re: Is this crohns?

    thank you guys I really appreciate your replies!

    My reflux has been so bad today and the chest pain was really scaring me ): I've managed to calm down now though and the pain seems to have subsided, I had a big meal before the pain flared up which suggests reflux

    If I'm still worried about it though I'll see the doctor again, I found one who is very good at dealing with my HA and putting my mind at ease, but I try not to bother her too much if I can help it

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