My husband is having difficulty swallowing when he's eating. Sometimes he chokes and has to rush to the bathroom where he is usually coughing and vomiting. It doesn't happen every time, but I think he is struggling more than he realises. It has happened a least five times when we have been out in company, and it's really embarrassing for both of us, especially if he's stuck in a corner of a restaurant. It has been going on for a couple of years, he hasn't lost weight or become ill so I don't think there is anything sinister going on. It could be an anxiety thing. I found out Dysphagia is the name for something like this. The thing is he won't see anyone about it, and also he drinks quite a lot (lager mostly) and I wonder if this could be causing irritation. He also has poor teeth so he probably can't chew food very small, again he won't see a dentist............he really does have a phobia about dentists. He says his throat and neck feel tight most of the time, could be stress.
Anyone come across this before?
I have enough to worry about with my own anxiety, let alone start worrying about someone who isn't bothered. This is now spoiling our life, especially any social life because now I have started to refuse any invitations that involve eating.
If anyone has any ideas at all I would love to hear them.
Thank you.