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Thread: Drinking and Klonopin Fear

  1. #1

    Drinking and Klonopin Fear

    Basically, I am a mess right now and know that I am to blame. Last night at around 6:00 I took a .25 dose of Klonopin and ended up drinking between 5-6 drinks through the course of the evening starting at around 7:30ish. I am a short, slender female who has a history or episodes of binge drinking on and off. I only take 1 klonopin at a very small dose as needed, and I don't take them that often anymore. This time I really messed up.

    Well, I didn't die and made it into the next day but I am still concerned about the side effects even now from all that drinking/klonopin. I am already in therapy and doing everything about the anxiety, but I just seem to have no self-control around alcohol during social events. I don't plan on mixing these two things ever again! Am I in any danger right now even though it is the next day? I mean, aside from having a bad hangover? I don't have any known health conditions, just anxiety, hypothyroidism and chronic indigestion.

    Also, I just found out my husband got into an accident. He is alright, but we are both shaken. Ugh, what a terrible day. I feel pretty embarrassed right now.

    ---------- Post added at 13:30 ---------- Previous post was at 12:49 ----------

    Any response would be appreciated, kind of freaking out here with anxiety.

    ---------- Post added at 14:21 ---------- Previous post was at 13:30 ----------


  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Drinking and Klonopin Fear

    Hello! I see you are offline right now, but am replying anyway as I guess you popped on at a time that no one was around to respond. Sorry about that. Folks do care here, and even if you did "bring this on yourself", we just want to help, not judge, so don't worry about that happening. Anxiety + drinking = worsened anxiety, bigtime. "Not-worth-it" kind of bigtime. As you have been reminded, and many of us have had to be reminded, (no worries). And when you add another drug into the mix, obviously you are courting a danger you never intended to mess with. Glad to hear you seem to be okay today. It is very telling that you are worried about yourself, though.

    I don't know what effect drinking has on hypothyroidism. It goes without saying it will be bad for your gut, for sure. So, do you think it is possible for you to go to into a social situation where others are drinking, even for just a little while to say hi and chat a bit, and drink only a soda or something like half-juice half-club soda? If not, then it is time to give up these events in favour of meeting friends at the cinema for a movie (only), or a meal in or out where you are able to just end it with your husband and no alcohol. Put a six-pack of soda in the fridge and one in the car and be prepared to "byob" if you are going to a cook-out or ballgame or whatever. You will soon be able to figure out who are the friends you are safe to hang out with. If no-one else stays sober, then it's time to make some new friends anyway! If drinking remains a problem, then you need help with that, period. There are groups and counselors who can help you sort it out.

    Please remember tomorrow how worried you were for yourself today, and take at least one step towards making it easier for you and your life. Get the soft drinks so you are prepared to try. Talk to your husband. Make a game plan.
    You ARE in control, even if you don't know it yet!

  3. #3

    Re: Drinking and Klonopin Fear

    You make some excellent points, and thank you for taking the time to care and respond. it means very much to me just to know things are ok, even if it doesn't seem like it and I can take control. I will take a few steps, one at a time to kick this habit even if I have to say no to people. You are absolutely right about needing to remember how I felt today and I appreciate the wise words.

    I was just worried I could die from it, like, today. I hope not.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2013

    Re: Drinking and Klonopin Fear

    Quote Originally Posted by Elliott View Post
    I was just worried I could die from it, like, today. I hope not.
    Nah... a .25 klonopin and a few drinks, while you're reaping the negative effects of that and anxiety, its not going to kill you. You're still here right now right? That being said, mixing the two is obviously not a wise thing to do and can be very detrimental and even dangerous in larger quantities. Hopefully, how you're feeling will be enough incentive to make a few lifestyle changes as SNM suggested.

    Hope you feel better soon.

    Positive thoughts
    Last edited by Fishmanpa; 24-04-14 at 02:39.
    "Eat. Drink. Enjoy the work you do. Be thankful for the blessings God gives you in this life. Live, love and seek out the things that bring your heart joy. The rest is meaningless... Like chasing the wind." King Solomon

    The best help is the help you give yourself!

  5. #5

    Re: Drinking and Klonopin Fear

    I will aim for more positive thinking! thanks! Strangely enough, just as soon as I got over that fear a new one cropped one when I accidentally swallowed a large, sharp turkey bone that was left in my dinner. :< Now I keep thinking bad thoughts and worrying it won't pass through me and get stuck and snag something.

    Does swallowing a big, sharp bone mean I need to go to the doctor? Sorry. Crazy worrier here.

    I guess I would know if there was a problem, and I need to try to be optimistic.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Drinking and Klonopin Fear

    Yes, most likely if it managed to get through your esophagus without injury, it will be digested, at least at the pointy bits and will pass uneventfully. You'd be surprised how strong our stomach acid is!

  7. #7

    Re: Drinking and Klonopin Fear

    I just took 23 Klonopin. I've been on 4mgs a day for over 5 years. I drank wine yesterday and 3 beers not too long ago. What's the hold up? My husband called me a loser all the time. My psychiatrist showed me his penis. My step dad fed me painkillers for over a year starting by stealing them from my mom, BTW they are my DOC, then upgraded to having me take then from his mouth with my tongue and rubbing his erectiin against me, my gymnastics coach told me to blot instead of rub myself dry when I was 8 or 9. I'm broken and there's more. I'm too tired to go on.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Mar 2016

    Re: Drinking and Klonopin Fear

    Don't be and learn! Mixing ANY amount of klonopin, even if it is a small dose with alcohol can be very dangerous. Both are depressants, which can cause respiratory distress and even coma or death. You got very lucky, as I did when I learned the hard way in 2012. I drank on I would say about 1mg of klonopin. Luckily it had no physical effects on me. I went into an alcohol induced psychosis where I was in the psych ward for about five days for flipping out. Mixing klonopin, regardless of the dose along with alchohol will definetly mess you up mentally at the very least. DO NOT MIX any benzo, antidepressant or any medication with alcohol. If you enjoy going to parties and drinking skip the dose for the whole day. If something was going to physically happen to you it would have happened already. In my case, I "flipped out" about two hours after consuming about 9 beers. You are fine but live and learn. Don't be embarrassed, we all make mistakes but please DO NOT do it again.

  9. #9

    Re: Drinking and Klonopin Fear

    Quote Originally Posted by livefree83 View Post
    DO NOT MIX any benzo, antidepressant or any medication with alcohol.
    I agree ref benzo medication. But I have drunk alcohol while taking Lexapro and Effexor antidepressants for 10 years with no adverse effects. However I do wonder whether doing this made my depression worse, and contribute to poop-out of the Lexapro 5 years ago, and possible poopout of the Effexor a few months ago.

    Needless to say, for the past 3 months since this happened I have drunk no alcohol.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Drinking and Klonopin Fear

    Quote Originally Posted by livefree83 View Post
    Don't be and learn! Mixing ANY amount of klonopin, even if it is a small dose with alcohol can be very dangerous. Both are depressants, which can cause respiratory distress and even coma or death. You got very lucky, as I did when I learned the hard way in 2012. I drank on I would say about 1mg of klonopin. Luckily it had no physical effects on me. I went into an alcohol induced psychosis where I was in the psych ward for about five days for flipping out. Mixing klonopin, regardless of the dose along with alchohol will definetly mess you up mentally at the very least. DO NOT MIX any benzo, antidepressant or any medication with alcohol. If you enjoy going to parties and drinking skip the dose for the whole day. If something was going to physically happen to you it would have happened already. In my case, I "flipped out" about two hours after consuming about 9 beers. You are fine but live and learn. Don't be embarrassed, we all make mistakes but please DO NOT do it again.
    That's just not the case. It's a misconception that antidepressants cannot be taken whilst drinking alcohol and many have advice such as "avoid or limit", which is a clear admission from professionals that it cannot be such a no-no or else they wouldn't put that there!

    Meds are far too general to say don't drink on any med across any category.

    And remember that the next day, a drug may still be very much in your body. So, missing the next day may just reduce the concentration but the risk, if there is a risk, is still there. Until the body eliminates the med, it's still in your blood plasma...where the alcohol is going to be going.
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