I get recurrent cystitis and have suffered most of my life. 10 years ago I had exploratory surgery and nothing was found.

This year has been quite bad for attacks so doctor referred me to a urologist. I saw him last week and said I was scared that I may have bladder cancer. I'm terrible at googling my symptoms and since losing my dad to cancer, I have a big fear that every pain or twinge I get is cancer. He said that I was low risk due to my age, I'm female and don't smoke however if it would make me feel better, then he would carry out a cystoscopy but to go away and think about it and if I want it done then to ring his secretary.

If he thought there was something wrong, then would he have insisted I have it done instead of giving me the decision? He also had a feel of my bladder and ovaries and couldn't feel anything wrong.

I have it booked for thursday and very nervous that they may find something [V] so desperately trying to stay off the computer and not google anything.