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Thread: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

  1. #11
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    Thanks Everyone,

    Without sounding rude, I am going to try and expose myself a little at a time to try and get used to it.

    A tip for 'Lift Anxiety'. I only get in with a bunch of people and not on my own or just a couple of people. My synopsis is, if it breaks down or gets stuck, we can work as a group to get out and there maybe a Doctor, mechanic, Computer Operator in with us, sort like a film you might see on TV? I know its weird, but it works for me.
    Actually got this tip from a film I watched, but can't remember its name.

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    I hope you don't mind Carnation,but you"exposing yourself a little at a time" has given me the best laugh I've had all day!
    You cannot discover new oceans,until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

  3. #13
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    That was my intention.

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    Hi Carnation; it's my pleasure to take the time & provide advice. I could really feel your fear and relate to it.
    Many times I lay in bed & was fearful that if my arms were sticking out, the lightning would come and get me. Many a stormy night I would lie nor the covers sweating because I was so hot... But scared to "come up for air" in case "it got me".
    I'm glad Its not every night But u sound just the same as i used to be when I knew it was coming. The trouble is though that sometimes they say it's coming and it doesn't. So all tht worry and the tiredness from a lack of sleep would be for no gain. Not that there is any gain even if the thunder does come of course.
    One night I was just leaving the family home to drive 2miles to my place & I saw a fork of lightning as I went out if the door. I made my mother come and stay the night! Didnt want to be on my own.
    I am better than I was then, living alone I had to become stronger. I had to support myself.
    I think there's no problem with going to bed early if they say there will be a storm. But do go to bed as normal. I used to hope I'd be asleep before it arrived. At least being in the safe surroundings of bed is comforting.
    I'd suggest sticking to your normal routine even if a storm is predicted. As I say by all means go to bed earlier than normal (I liked to be there before dark).
    I was bright up in a long & narrow house. I hated being last to bed. It meant walking (more like running) up the stairs with a dark corridor behind me.
    Never liked that, felt like there was something there or that I'd see a flash.
    That fear hasn't left me. It spooks me if anything flashes. Probably always will....but the difference I suppose is I rationalise the fear now. I understand it relates to fears in my childhood.
    In that dark, long, narrow house I was scared if thunder started, I can remember feeling my spray along the corridor to my parents room, I didn't know whether to cover my eyes or ears, couldn't do both of course.....
    I accept now that the fear does live inside me. But I can comfort myself. I have Been home along with some big storms. I survived. They don't last that long and yes they are scary but they can be survived.
    I have taken shelter in shops. Once I had to endure a storm on a hill by standing in a glass bus shelter. Didnt like that but again I survived.

    What u said about a car being a safe place is true. The tyres insulate the car.
    It doesnt sound silly to me. lightning is powerful. i think it is rational to fear something powerful. but it is rare for people to be harmed. i dont know the statistics but if u are reasonably careful then it is ok. That is my belief.

    I have a Spider phobia. that has got worse again. I did do some exposure work. I even managed to look at one in a plastic container but now I am not so good, not sure why. I can feel my scalp crawling typing this! I was about to do hypnotherapy. But then I suffered a bereavement & didn't get to do it, but I am thinking I should try it some time.

    I am really glad u found this site, carnation. There will be many like minded people. Some with similar experiences or fears. Also you will be able to help other people too which will ease your own stresses & anxieties as you realise how rewarding it is to be able to help others.

    I like listening to your rambles :-) I look forward to reading some more.

  5. #15
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    Hi Tessar,

    I can deal with little and medium sized Spiders. I tell myself that they won't harm me and they deal with all those nasty insects that can harm us.
    I used to scream, jump on a chair/sofa and freeze. The moment I looked away, it had disappeared and never to be seen again. I've even kept awake all night waiting for it to reappear. I now think my sleep is more important and I try to remove them with a glass and stiff piece of card and take it out into the Wilds. Sorry, if this is making you feel bad, not my intention, just wanted to let you know it can be done and the first is the most difficult.

    Another one of my phobias are Clowns and Dolls. Hate them. Think they will come to life in the middle of the night and strangle me to death. Watched to many Horror Movies when I was young. It was the era of Horror and Ghost Movies. They make me cringe, the Dollies stary eyes and the Clowns superficial smile. Maybe if we were brought up to deal with all this stuff as children, we wouldn't have so many problems later in Life?

    Its weird that we feel this way about certain things. I don't have a problem with Heights or flying or the sight of blood, but the other things, I just can't bear it! Thunder & Lightning my biggest one, but I will take all on board next time round and see how I get on.

  6. #16
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    Now that's a thing, Carnation..... I have heard other people say bout a fear of clowns. Dolls I am not so sure of but definitely clowns. I don't mind talking about the fear as it all helps to lessen it. Like being conditioned to think differently.
    I used to get spider dreams. I would actually get out if bed while still dreaming. I'd put the light on and wonder why I was out of bed. They were so real, I'd shuffle out of bed low down to make sure I didn't touch them where they were dangling down.
    The other night I woke up with an image in my mind of a huge one. Most bizarre. I knew it wasnt real but for a few seconds It did feel scary.
    If I know there is one there (a real one) it HAS to be dealt with. I am ok it's most but freak when I see the big ones, our shed's a no go area for me, except just inside the door. Also especially in autumn, I have to do a spider check when I walk into rooms. I wouldn't want to get in a room & then realise there's one between me & the door.
    There's no doubt in my mind that these things could have been dealt with when we were children.but that would require well balanced parenting & an ability for our parents to spot & help us deal with the fears.
    My father teased me no end for being scared of them. I was labelled a cissy & got laughed at by my brothers. I wonder actually if we aren't so much scared of these insects or objects... Moreso that those items are linked to incidents in our lives back then & we associate the bad experiences with these items.
    Its interesting isn't it how we all seems to have fears but how much they vary person to person. I have managed to alter my perception of flying to the point I am not scared now. There are moments I think "ooh I didn't like that" but that can happen with all sorts if things we do day to day.
    Trouble is, if I really concentrate on a spider (graphic photograph or worse, the real thing) I can feel my body reacting, I know I need to let the fear run its course so I can get to the other side. I wonder if my counsellor is scared of spiders? Maybe she could present me with a biggie in a clear box so I could try to beat the fear.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    I can't sleep with an arm or leg hanging outside of the bed...
    I have this irrational fear that somethings going to grab it lol
    You cannot discover new oceans,until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

  8. #18
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    I do sleep with a foot hanging out of the bed. Its so I can make a quick getaway.

    I used to have a fear of Bats as a child and had to keep my neck covered incase one came in to my room and bit me. This I know was caused by watching to many Dracula and Vampire Films. This used to put this sort of stuff on the TV a lot and my Mum used to let me watch them not realizing what affect they would have one me.

    I've been checking the forecast again and I see there's Thunder and Lightening forecast for the weekend. I am going to try some new tactics.
    I am not going to hide under the stairs as I usually do, I am going to grab the poor cat and comfort him and that will hopefully calm me down and I am going to sit normally in a room and see what happen.

  9. #19
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    We have a storm right now. I decided to try and be brave. Have been sitting in our bedroom watching it with my partner. Each time there was a flash, I kept making a squeal. But now she's in the bathroom & there was another flash but I survived. I am trying to use this as exposure therapy! Compared to when we heard the first rumble I am doing better. Still feel anxious but guess what? I am feeling ok being in the room on my own. Saying that, the cats on the bed, so technically I am not alone.....
    Got the curtains open & feel apprehensive but as I say I am ok(ish). Much better then 5 mins ago.
    I think for me it's the unexpected nature of it. Takes me by surprise.
    If I knew it was coming the perhaps I'd be calmer.....

    ---------- Post added at 22:46 ---------- Previous post was at 22:43 ----------

    Oh, carnation, I used to like the Dracula films.
    Rain's slowing own..... I think the storm is going now :-)

    ---------- Post added at 22:56 ---------- Previous post was at 22:46 ----------

    Right, pop 2 the loo and then time for lights out. One or two flashes till but I am calmer.
    Maybe exposure treatment does work.

  10. #20
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    Oh Tessar, you are brave. I can almost feel the tension reading your post. I will try really hard as well when it comes our way tomorrow. Not looking forward to it, but you can not prevent Nature from doing its thing. Sleep tight.

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