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Thread: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    Hi Everyone,

    Sounds pathetic, but I am really scared of Thunder and Lightning. To make it worse, I check out the Forecast to find out when it is coming. I can't sleep at night and I normally go and hide where I can't see a window and just sit and fret. Anyone got any tips to get through this?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    I haven't really got any tips but there are many with the same phobia. Others love it and want to watch it . Just plug some music into your ears to drown at the sound and keep busy with something to distract you from it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    I am scared of it to, also heavy rain, i go into a panic when it storms...
    I will have to take a pill for anxiety to relax me!!
    There Is Hope Here EXHALE💜

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2010

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    In the Day time I love to sit watching night, I hate it!!
    Emmz xx

    nolite te basstardes carborundorum

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Oct 2012

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    It isn't pathetic at all carnation and don't use negative words like that about yourself.

    Please Be kind to yourself.

    I am the same. No matter what I try, I am scared of thunder and lightning too. We had a storm here this morning, I was "home alone". My partner was out shopping. I survived as luckily the storm was short lived.

    I was worse when I lived alone. I would make certain I was in bed before the "thunder" was going to arrive. And yes I always checked out the forecast.

    In some respects.... That isn't a bad thing, better to be prepared.

    I suppose on the other hand perhaps it is not so good in so much that checking the forecast is helping to reinforce the fear.

    I have improved on how scared I used to be. One way I have overcome it is literally to expose myself to it. Of course I don't mean so that I am in danger. I mean I will watch from a safe distance. But I will watch. The crazy thing is on the plus side it can be very exhilarating too. So it's a double-edged thing for me.

    I have had some scary episodes that required me to be exceptionally brave. Some might say I wasn't that brave but in my book, if something scares you and you cope with it.... That is brave.

    This is why I say not to label yourself negatively.

    Imagine that you are a small child. Your inner child indeed. The little person who exists inside you and needs comfort when you are scared. Would you scold a small child for being scared of a loud noise and bright flash that comes out of the blue? I doubt that very much.

    I think in the end I had to learn to be strong for myself. And indeed sometimes to be strong or brave for others. One time I was heading home from work in the car. it got darker and darker and I just "knew" it was about to thunder. As I waited at some traffic lights.... It began. But instead of feeling scared, I considered that our cat was at home on her own, I knew she was equally scared so I was able to park my car and walk up the road .... Instead of focusing on my fear, I focused on my cat instead. it helped alot. When I walked in, instead of transmitting more fear to her, I was calm and loving towards her. I spoke softly to calm her. I think it had the same affect on me.

    Sometimes it's doing simple things that make a big difference.

    Don't ever feel self-conscious about your fear. sensitive, kind people will help you if they know. At work I have had mixed reactions. One colleague reacted as if to say "don't be ridiculous". I told her.... "I can't help being scared of it, and I won't apologise to her or anyone for it. It is how I am". She shut up.

    The other night my boss stayed at the office til I was ready to leave. She knew I was scared as there was a storm & said she'd hang around til I am done. So yes, you can get mixed reactions from people but I am not worried about admitting it. At least some people will offer you comfort, like my boss did. This has reminded me of a previous boss I had. He came running across the car park at the office as there was a sudden clap of thunder. He wanted to check I was ok. I was very impressed as I didn't think he cared.

    I would suggest gradually weaning yourself off the coping methods and returning to a more balanced way of being. It is a rational fear in the sense that of course lightning is a scary, damaging thing. But at the same time, storms are not that common. Indeed today and yesterday evening they forecast much worse westher than we had. You can become more at ease about it. It is possible to rebalance your fear so that you are able to sleep properly.

    I wonder, if you dont mind me asking, is this every night or only when the forecast suggests storms are about? Regardless, I still feel it's possible for you to improve about this,

    So..... Carnation, I am hoping I am able to offer you some comfort :-)

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    Hi Tessar,

    Thank you so much for taking the time to give me good and kind advice about my phobia. I've always had this, but it seems to have grown worse as I get older. Its not every night I fear, but when I know its coming.
    If I happen to be out when there is a storm, I run into a shop or when I used to drive, I wouldn't feel so bad, because I know about the protection from the tyres? Whether that's true or not, I don't know, but it calms me.
    I also have a cat and I do exactly what you do , if I am at home, I comfort him, which then comforts me. It does actually work.

    It sounds silly, but I actually think it is going to kill me and as I already have electric zaps going on in my head, I think the electrical connection is going to be horrendous. I know, I am exaggerating now, but I am very good at that with this Anxiety Disorder.

    I have other phobias as well, but some I have overcome: Spiders, Mice and Rats and Lifts, but still scared of Bees, Wasps and Water. (Not the stuff you wash in but the stuff you can drown in, which includes Tunnels as well.

    I had no idea, obviously, that you had written a book, I would be very interested to know what it is if you could let me know by private message or public depending on how you feel or whether it is allowed here.

    I am relatively new on this Site and not at total grips on how things work here, but at the same time, I seem to be online nearly everyday and posting quite a bit. If only I had joined years ago before I got really bad, which was about 4 months ago now. I would have noticed the signs much earlier and maybe not got to the point where I had completely broken down. I seem to be rambling on a bit here, but I think I have finished now.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    Everyone's scared of something Carnation,so don't worry.
    I've been in a tent when its thunder and lightening,and it was actually hilarious, because we were in the biggest tent,and everyone in our party ended up running across the field,leaving theirs and we all ended up squeezed in ours!
    The kids still talk about it now
    You cannot discover new oceans,until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    That actually sounds exciting in a strange sort of way?

    I think I was stressing with the forecast last night and waited anxiously for 1am, when the storm was predicted and nothing happened, so I went to bed and hoped I would fall asleep straight away, which I did. I didn't wake in the night and when I looked out of the window and saw the rain in the morning, I was really pleased I got through it.

    I stress out about flood warnings as well. I used to live in-between a River and the Sea. One day there was a high alert flood warning. It was a high-tide and a sea surge. I was absolutely petrified and I dressed up in what looked like combat gear finished off with wellies. I stayed up all night and nothing happened. It doesn't make it any easier when you can't swim!

    And its not just me I fret about, I want to save the world, I was going around neighbours houses with sandbags and waking everyone up in the night to see if they were ok. I just Worry, Worry Worry!

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    It was actually an amazing experience it was in the forest of dean in Gloucestershire,and we could hear the thunder from a long way away at first,as it got closer,you could feel it resonate in the ground,and you felt so close to nature,it wasn't scary,it just felt like part of the beauty around us,and the smells and the clarity of the air afterwards was amazing.
    We were all laughing and whooping with the noises together,and it was a really warm experience.
    Because the children were small,it could have gone either way but I believe by being the way we were,it made it a memorable, fun time,and they now have no fear.
    I am claustrophobic, and don't use lifts if I can possibly help it.
    One day I was with my elderly Mum in a store and had no choice.
    Guess what? Yes,it stuck between floors,and although I felt some panic rise,I was by no means the worst person in there.
    A young girl became hysterical and my own mum was quite alarmed,and something else in me took over,and I became the reassurer.
    My legs were like jelly by the time we got out,but I survived.
    You can't save the world hun,but you sound like a lovely caring person, and the world needs people like you,so don't worry.keep being you.
    You cannot discover new oceans,until you have the courage to lose sight of the shore.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: Scared of Thunder and Lightning!

    I used to be terrified of them as a kid. When I was 7 there was a massive thunderstorm and my town got severely flooded, there was one fatality (but it was a freak accident). Every time a thunderstorm came I turned the light on to hide the flash, turned the TV on to hide the noise and hid my head under the pillow, squishing the pillow right around my head.

    The way I got over the phobia was exposure. One day it thundered during the day and I could not escape it. My mum sat me down and said 'It's OK, it won't hurt you.' and kept talking to me. When the lightening came she made me count with her 'One elephant, two elephants, three elephants' until the thunder came. When the time between the lightening and thunder grew I knew the storm was going. It took a few occasions like that to actually make me feel comfortable during a thunderstorm.

    Now I love them! I will sit by the window, watch the fork lightening, count the elephants and 'oooo' at the thunder.

    Try small steps first, count the elephants from the lightening to the thunder and watch/hear the storm go. It really helped me.
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