Hello, I was wondering if anybody can shed some light on this for me. I am very anxious about it :(.

Here's my story, I'm a 26yr old female, obese with history of heart attack in my family (my dad, my aunt, my uncle recently and my granddad) they are still alive except my granddad. I don't smoke or drink. I am trying to be healthy, I have struggled with my weight since childhood.

I was doing the New You ketonic diet about 2 months ago. I have done a ketonic diet before the year previously. 5 days in I experienced chest pains. I was thinking it was anxiety as I suffer from anxiety and depression.

Well I came off the diet because I was scared and having panic attacks, went to the doctor with right sided chest, shoulder, shoulder blade and neck pains.

My doctor wasn't available so had to see a new lady doctor. She didn't seem too worried and gave me soothing gel for my shoulder... I asked could I make an appointment for bloods and ecg. I have never had a blood test or ecg before. A week later I have it and the nurse did the the test twice. Looking anxious she said she wanted to show the doctor (the main doctor) and she came back and told me because of my family history, having chest pains and abnormal ecg he (the doctor) said I would need to go to hospital right away. They gave me a letter with my info to give to the er reception and off I went.

I was seen very quickly, I think because of what it potentially could have been. They did blood tests and an xray, blood pressure and pulse. All was fine, they scheduled a stress test for the following week. I managed to complete the stress test, amazingly as it was very hard for me, I saw my bpm was 200!

When I got my results hours later after blood pressure and pulse monitoring, the hospital doctor said there was "nothing of significance". He didn't explain further. He asked if I still had pain in my chest and to be honest my back and shoulders and whole upper body were sore but what stood out was the burning pain in my shoulder blade. He quickly did blood tests for blood clot in lungs and it was fine. He said it was mostly my anxiety and to try to relax and get help for my anxiety.

Following week I was at my doc for a follow up on my blood results, he said all was fine but my liver was off (I don't drink or take paracetamol so I think it's weight related). I told him about the pains I was still having, particularly my left shoulder blade and he kind of ignored me. I told him how my anxiety had become bad and I was previously on lexapro (for 2yrs) he interrupted me and said he would just put me back on it. Anyway he said in two wks to come back for another blood test and follow up ecg. That was today. He was out on holiday so it was just lady doctor, whom many people were complaining about, including my taxi driver! So the nurse does my ecg, it's still abnormal... she said it has improved.

I don't know what it means or how that works but the fact it is still abnormal scares me a lot... The nurse said she would give the results to lady doctor and she would ring me this evening if she felt it was necessary as she was very busy with full clinic waiting room and her the only doctor in (there are usually 3 including my own). The nurse also told me to make an appointment in 2 wks time with for another follow up with my doctor and the lady doctor never rang.

I told the nurse about my anxiety and that the doctor (who is also her husband) has re prescribed me lexapro. I didn't tell her however, that I have not been taking it because it runs risk of messing with heart rhythm and because of my abnormal ecg I'm afraid to take it.

She said hopefully in two weeks time it will kick in and I will be feeling better. I feel so stupid for not saying anything but I felt ashamed and embarrassed to say I hadn't been taking it and afraid that it would make my doctor angry.

So I hope some one, anyone can help me here, if you have the same experience or know more about it as I have not got a clue. I am so anxious and feel like crying and am afraid I might die... I was praying and hoping my ecg would be normal today so I could stop being in fear. So sorry about how long this is as well. :( please help if you can.