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Thread: citalopram round 2

  1. #11
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: citalopram round 2

    God I hope it works for me, I will stick with it as my doctor said she thinks I should say with it for a good year. I would do anything to get the old me back. Especially as we have so many exciting things on this year and I just want to be able to enjoy it xxx

  2. #12
    Join Date
    Aug 2012

    Re: citalopram round 2

    I take mine in the morning MissAnxiety. but i do know of a few people who take it at night. I suppose it depends on how the tablets effect you as to when you take it

    I'm on day 9 now and the side effects are MUCH better! The nausea is definitely better and my appetite is slowly coming back. I feel hungry again, but don't need a lot of food before i'm full. The nausea only comes along occasionally and usually passes after a few small sips of water and deep breaths!

  3. #13
    Join Date
    Sep 2019

    Re: citalopram round 2

    How are you all doing? I’m also on cit second time. 9 weeks in (7 weeks on 20). It has taken much longer to start working this time round and after having a better week last week I’m now having a major blip with depression/anxiety, the works. Has anyone else had that? Sorry just saw this is a really old thread

  4. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2013

    Re: citalopram round 2

    Hi I am also on this for the first time but have had ecitralopram a couple of times in the past. I'm on 2 weeks of 10mg and 5 weeks of 20mg and I still feel as anxious and worried as I did before I started. There was a few days where I felt a bit better but the last few day's I've been very anxious. I can notice n some slight improvements but not as much as I would hope for by this stage. Still onwards and upwards

  5. #15
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: citalopram round 2

    Quote Originally Posted by Kenton View Post
    I am also on this for the first time but have had ecitralopram a couple of times in the past.
    Citalopram and escitalopram share the same active chemical, the 'S' isomer of citalopram, aka escitalopram. Unlike escitalopram, it also contains the 'R' mirror image form which is a poorer fit biologically and so is mostly inactive. This is why the equivalent citalopram dose is twice that of escitalopram.

    I'm on 2 weeks of 10mg and 5 weeks of 20mg and I still feel as anxious and worried as I did before I started. There was a few days where I felt a bit better but the last few day's I've been very anxious. I can notice n some slight improvements but not as much as I would hope for by this stage. Still onwards and upwards
    ADs typically take 4-12 weeks to kick-in from when a therapeutic dose, 20mg+ for citalopram, is first taken. Given this is your third time on this AD it will likely take longer to do so than before and you may need to take a higher dose to achieve the same outcome.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

  6. #16

    Re: citalopram round 2

    2nd round of Citalopram for me lived with Anxiety for 14 years then clear for just over a year, had a nasty bug over xmas and that has kicked it off again, self medicated on the wifes amatryptalyn just made me very tired and dozy, went to the docs she prescribed 10mg Citalopram per day as I had been on that prior to my recovery, day 1 ok day 2 severe stomach cramps and feeling crap day 3 decided to cut to 5mg, anxiety still bad but physically feel better, decided to swap to taking at night took 5mg and slept ok, took another 5mg last night feel quite stressed and shaky today, went for walks feel slightly better sitting here writing this at 7:00 PM resigned to just keep going as I am for now.

  7. #17
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: citalopram round 2

    back to NMP,

    Quote Originally Posted by colinbrad View Post
    had a nasty bug over xmas and that has kicked it off again,
    An immune system in overdrive may trigger or worsen anxiety and depression. In several respects, anxiety and depression are the symptoms of an immune system disorder. Patients taking immune system boosting meds such as interferon to treat viral diseases and cancers are now often also routinely prescribed an AD because of this (immune system proteins may also reduce the effectiveness of antidepressants).

    self medicated on the wifes amatryptalyn just made me very tired and dozy,
    Self-medicating is never a good idea, not least because often the available dose is too higher to start on. For amitriptyline the ideal starting dose is 25mg.

    went and the docs she prescribed 10mg Citalopram per day as I had been on that prior to my recovery,
    Is a dose increase to 20mg planned? ADs work by stimulating the growth of new brain cells (neurogenesis) which takes a minimum dose to initiate and sustain 10mg may be borderline. Frequent interruptions to neurogenesis may increase the risk of the med pooping-out. As you've been on citalopram before you may need to take a higher dose than the last time to achieve the same level of control.

    day 1 ok day 2 severe stomach cramps and feeling crap day 3
    Serotonin isn't only a brain neurotransmitter. It has many roles in the body and the gut makes and uses far more serotonin than the brain doses. It makes about 50 time more of it than the brain. The enteric nervous system (ENS), the mini brain which controls the GI tract can initially be far more affected by SSRIs than the brain is. The cramps and other side-effects should begin to diminish after a week, or two as the body responds to the SSRI driven increase in serotonin activity by reducing its synthesis and expression, but may return for a short while after dose increases. Talk to your pharmacist about the cramps as these can be diminished with otc remedies.

    went for walks feel slightly better sitting here writing this at 7:00 PM resigned to just keep going as I am for now.
    Exercise has been shown to induce neurogenesis too, so walks are a good idea.

    Dropping the dose is probably a good idea as the side-effects may be more severe and/or different when restarting ADs. However, you should get the prescribing doctor's okay. It takes 7-8 days for citalopram plasma levels to stabilise to a steady-state. Increasing the dose sooner may significantly increase side-effects severity, but delaying an increase won't significantly reduce their severity no matter how long the delay.
    The opinions expressed above are based on my observations and, where applicable, interpretation of cited data and are general in nature. Consult your physician before acting on anything stated.

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