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Thread: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

  1. #791
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Hi Don and Jo!
    This is my third time on Prozac, I was surprised she started with 20 but all seems to be ok so far. Not anxiety-free yet but I do think it's showing signs of subsiding.
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  2. #792

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Speranza, that is great news. Stick to it! Even minor progress is still progress.

    Jo, I'm not a doctor so the last thing I want to give is medical advice, but I know if it was me I'd bite the bullet and go to 60. However, everyone is different and I would honestly just do what your doctor advises. It might negate the terrible side effects if you were to make that jump to 60.

  3. #793
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    How are you doing Don?
    Hope you are still seeing improvements speranza?

    I've had 2 days where I haven't cried hoorah! Feels like a small breakthrough.
    I haven't managed to do anything and I'm still sleeping most of the morning but I'm not as anxious. I think I'm just waiting for this fatigue and lack of motivation to lift and I might see some real me coming back. Here's hoping!
    Evenings are still better and mornings still rough but not as rough.
    It's 8 weeks for me on Sunday.


  4. #794

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Hey Kay, glad to see you doing better and stringing some good moments together. Today has been very tough. My mom has health issues and she had to go to the hospital and I'm here now.

    I took .5mg of Xanax and it's pretty sedating. Now I'm just waiting and praying.

  5. #795

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Thinking about you man. Having a rough few days myself. I find the blips im having 6 months in are harder to get past because I feel like I should be done with them by now.

  6. #796
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    So sorry to hear that. Hope your mum is OK.
    Thinking of you. If you can get through that you can get through anything.
    One of the things I worry about most when I'm really ill is not being able to support my loved ones if they need it..
    Sounds like you are doing just that, if the xanax helps then so be it.

  7. #797
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Oh wow Don, I will pray too.

    I'm good, having flashes of feeling loads better. I remember the tiredness DOES settle eventually.

    6 and a half weeks for me. Very early days!

    Don, thinking of you and your mother.
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  8. #798

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Thank you all for the kind words and the prayers. My Mom took a turn for the better today so we are all very optimistic and have been praying hard.

    KHPanic I can't thank you enough man. I truly believe Xanax has saved my life. I only took 1 today as I'm really only trying to use it as an emergency.

    Day 37 on Prozac and so far it's hard to tell my progress. I do know when the Xanax wears, that feeling of terror creeps back. I have the mindset tonwhere I'm too far in to stop the prozac now. It has to work sooner or later. The last two days I've barely been home just because I've been at the hospital and out driving around. Not even the most crippling anxiety will keep me from family. I made damn sure of that. Prayers to all of you, hang in there. And Panic, if you've been on it that long and still not where you want to be have you thought about going to 60? Thanks all

  9. #799

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Glad your mom is doing better man. Xanax saves my butt too.

    I have thought about going to 60 but I feel so close on 40 sometimes. Maybe that's in the cards for me but we'll see.

  10. #800
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    8 weeks here for me and counting!
    My god I cannot wait to feel better.
    Mornings still rough but nowhere near as bad. If the anxiety wakes me I'm able to detach from it and almost just see it like an annoying itch( if that makes sense). Last few days haven't taken anything to sleep or any lorazapam.
    Saturday I had a really good day, got up earlier than normal, did some housework and actually stayed up all day. I almost felt sort of normal at times. It was so lovely.
    Saturday night couldn't sleep. My legs felt restless and twitchy and yesterday I pretty much cried all afternoon.
    This low mood is hanging around and it just makes me so scared that I'm never going to feel back to myself. Of course when it lifts in the evening then I totally believe that the next day I will be totally recovered. Its so odd!
    The disappointment when I woke on Sunday after a good day Saturday was crushing. I'm finding it hard to cope with the ups and downs.
    Today I'm up earlier than normal, haven't managed to eat yet and there's some tears but I'm trying to push through and do some housework to keep myself busy.
    I still haven't managed to leave the house.
    I struggle with knowing when to just let the process happen or when to push myself a little.

    Hope everyone is doing OK.

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