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Thread: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

  1. #801
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Well done, those good moments are the light at the end of the tunnel. You will come through. I'm not sleeping at the moment but I seem to remember this passes too. I have a review with my GP on Thursday anyway.
    I think the ups and downs are also normal and they will pass.
    I've always found with anxiety triggers that if I stop and really really listen to myself I know whether to push or not. Many years ago I was terrified of the spin cycle on my washer and coped by going out into the garden til it was over. I felt a bit of a wuss but on the other hand I didn't collapse in terror! But sometimes I know it's right to push through.

    Most of us are overthinkers. I wonder if you could literally leave the house for 30 seconds? Have no more expectation of yourself than that. And then do that for as long as you need, even if it's a month - you'd be out of the house for 3 and a half minutes a week and then you could build on that.

    Do you have a fear OF anything or is it just that the thought makes you feel anxious? If so, stick with the thought WITHOUT pushing yourself to go out, and try to let it wash through you. Don't try to picture going out, just literally feel the feels. And as soon as it's too much (even after two seconds) STOP. And THEN tell yourself out loud, "Well done I've got this!"

    Because you have. You are doing great. HOWEVER you are doing, you are doing great.

    So glad about your mother, Don. xx
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  2. #802

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    That's exposure therapy and it's the bedrock of overcoming phobias and anxiety disorders. Go out a little at a time and show yourself you can do it. Even if I don't leave my property I sit in my yard several times a day and read or listen to music. It's good just to get out.

    I think my DP/DR is finally lifting. I had a couple bad days last week but the last few have been good. I finally feel like my consciousness has caught up with the world instead of being a second behind. I find when my mood is low the world just seems dimmer and colors less saturated and today while sitting outside the sunset was just amazing. It made me feel really good. Hopefully it's downhill from here for me.

  3. #803
    Join Date
    Mar 2020

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Thanks both.
    I'm not really anxious about going out or anything in particular, it's just that I don't feel well enough or have the motivation to do anything. It feels wrong to do anything, like I'm not quite present. Last time I started the medication I felt exactly the same but when I felt better I had no trouble getting back into the world. Its frustrating because the side effects seem to really knock me for 6 even when the anxiety improves I just feel weak, sick and shaky and very low in mood.
    Last year when I finally went back to work it was to a new workplace 20 miles away, different staff and my ward had changed to a covid ward and it didn't phase me, so I'm hoping that strong person is still in here somewhere! It doesn't feel it at the moment but I'm trying to stay positive.

    Speranza sorry to hear you aren't sleeping. I'm sure insomnia is quite a common side effect. I've always had to take something to help for the first few weeks. Are you taking anything?

    KHpanic so glad you are having a few better days. Sounds like you are on the right track. I know what you mean about low mood, everything does seem greyer, less vibrant.
    I'm a pretty cheerful person normally, I love life really. That's why it's so awful to have that all taken away.
    Saying that depression and anxiety is hard for everyone regardless.
    And the sun.... What's that then! We've had so much rain here, forgotten what the sun is ☀️😂

  4. #804

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    I live in Southern California so we have the opposite problem. We're pretty much constantly in a drought then every few years we'll have an El Nino and it will rain for a couple weeks and flood everything. In between the state burns down every summer. But we get really nice sunsets

    I had terrible insomnia when I first started. I was given trazodone and hydroxyzine and nothing worked. They just made me exhausted but all I could do was lay there. Then one night it seemed to just break and all I could do was sleep. Like 14 hours a night. Now I'm pretty leveled out back to normal. I also lost like 30lbs from having zero appetite. Can't complain about that though I had 30lbs to lose.

  5. #805
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Quote Originally Posted by KHPanic View Post
    I finally feel like my consciousness has caught up with the world instead of being a second behind.
    That's a great description isn't it Kay! Exactly that. I was exhausted this week but last night the football match was so boring I began to go to sleep, so I caught an earlier sleep cycle and feel almost refreshed today. That's what I can't quite picture, feeling refreshed - I've always been a pretty good sleeper - but I know it will come.

    No, I've not had anything to help me sleep, I would rather not but of course if I needed it then I would. I am happy to sit it out for a bit longer because I can sense it will pass.
    All manner of thing shall be well... (Julian of Norwich)

  6. #806

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Hey guys sorry I haven't posted lately. I went from being cooped up in my house to being at the hospital 12 hours a day and watching my Mom get better. The road to Recovery will be a long one for her but the pneumonia is clearing up.

    I'm glad to see you guys are having good days and good moments. Definitely hang in there as I have been doing. It's strange how life can just sort of throw things at you that you can't avoid. I thought I'd be in my house all summer and here I am out and about. I still haven't had a Xanax in a few days so I've been able to keep my head above water. It could be that the Prozac is finally benefiting me at 60mg. I believe in total it's day 42 or 43. So still a long road to go. Stay safe everyone!

  7. #807

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Glad your mom is doing so well man. And you it sounds like. Sometimes it's the situations we're forced to deal with that help us the most.

    Didn't sleep well and had to wake up and take my dad to a doctor's appointment on like 4 hours sleep. Twitchy and weird thoughts but so infinitely easier to deal with when I feel like me. Still on the recovery road as I was disconnected from my sense of self for 6 months and I have to rebuild it but feeling positive. Hope everyone is having a good day.

  8. #808

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    Just wanted to give a quick update. It's Day 49 for me and the Prozac almost has me at 100 percent. I lost my Mother the other day so that's obviously a big step back. Probably going to take bigger doses of Xanax. Honestly don't want to be here anymore.

  9. #809

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    I'm so sorry man. I can't even imagine. Hang in there, your family needs you. Message me anytime.

  10. #810
    Join Date
    Jan 2017

    Re: A timetable for recovery on Fluoxetine / prozac

    My condolences on your loss, Don777x. Losing loved ones is never easy, but mothers are especially hard. Take each day as it comes and do what you have to to cope. While it may not seem like it at the moment, you will get through this.

    Take care,

    Last edited by panic_down_under; 13-07-21 at 13:03.

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