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Thread: The Speakmans

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    The Speakmans

    Has anyone watched The Speakmans on itv in the afternoon. Do watch it if you want to feel really annoyed, really quickly.

    Their technique of firstly getting people to talk about where their fear started, is quickly followed by The Speakmans telling the sufferer to "grow up" and to "stop this" - and EVERY sufferer gets told this, no matter if you are agoraphobic, dental phobia, have a fear of choking, a fear of vomiting. All the latter phobias have been 'cured' by the Speakmans.

    Once theyve told you to grow up, the flooding starts. So they forced the man suffering from fear of choking to eat a plate of food in front of them, they handcuffed the agoraphobic to a baby gate to highlight the fact she was acting like a baby over her fear.

    Cut to sufferer being shown being normal. Well, sort of. The dental phobia girl didnt actually have any treatment and just had veneers fitted. Which is a bit like putting a bandage around your head for concussion.

    They live in a castle. So theres big bucks being made. They have Diplomas. But refuse to say in which it could be Accounting. Which is handy for all the money they make.

    Have you watched them?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2012

    Re: The Speakmans

    Yes I've seen the programme and I wasn't impressed either. It seems first they apportion blame for the condition onto someone then wave a magic wand and we are told the problem has been solved just like that!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2013

    Re: The Speakmans

    Yes and I totally agree I can't stand them... Making out that peoples problems ain't that bad... It's ridiculous winds me right up... So glad you posted this will be interested to see what everyone else thinks...

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2013

    Re: The Speakmans

    Having spoken to several clients of theirs via Twitter, all this was done in ONE DAY sessions. Now that's what I call a miracle. The NHS could save a fortune by paying for us all to see The Speakmans and not have to bother with silly professionals with daft qualifications.

    Whilst 'moments of revelation' may occur and a sufferer moves on, this is the first time I've heard of a cure from this. I do know that they pre select clients and that some have been refused treatment as being 'not suitable' for the treatment. Which is fair enough, but it does mean that they narrow down to those who are receptive to their treatment.

    This snippet from a year ago is interesting as the clients here talk about similar 'treatment' as seen on the tv show:-

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jun 2013

    Re: The Speakmans

    And I spent all that money on cbt and all I needed was a good shaking dam (mind you I would rattle with the tablets lol )

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jun 2010

    Re: The Speakmans

    This pair of numptys live up the road from me, not in a castle though! Actually an old Beefeater restaurant that used to be called Stubley Hall. I agree that the case studies were dodgy, I saw the one with a woman with social anxiety, who claimed to be uncomfortable around people, even her family! Reduced her to tears etc, yet she was fine being interviewed prior to seeing the idiots with a camera crew etc! Was 'cured' in a day. I bet these two could even walk on water.......

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jun 2014

    Re: The Speakmans

    I think it's a ghastly programme and it makes a mockery of mental health issues. Just looking at those 2 grisly attention-seekers should alert people to the fact that they are a couple of ageing charlatans who are fleecing vulnerable people all in the name of air time. Shame on ITV for paying them to provide "entertainment". Wouldn't it be great if we could all be "cured" after one session with the Speakmans? CBT therapists must be quaking in their boots!

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Jan 2004

    Re: The Speakmans

    I've seen it in the past and I despise them! I hate it when people exploit those with mental illnesses who are desperate for a relief or cure from their suffering. A day's session cannot and will not cure phobias or OCD, otherwise we would all be cured!! I think their techniques damaging and I cannot understand why they are allowed to get away with it.
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  9. #9

    Re: The Speakmans

    I have seen different therapists myself in the past and its true some can give you confidence for a short time after seeing them, it would be interesting to meet up with their so called cured clients maybe 6 months after.

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2012

    Re: The Speakmans

    Omg what a load of old rubbish as if they get bloody cured people that quick and I find them harsh aswell. I cant believe they are betraying mental health problems to be something that is easy treated ,and that we need to get over it (WELL YEAH) we no that, how much did the pay them to tell us the obvious .I find it patronising and if my doctors and all my thearapists havent cured us what makes them jokers think they can xx
    The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched they must be felt with the heart -Helen Keller

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