I had a colposcopy on the 23rd of July becouse of abnormal cells. She took a biopsy and said results in 2-3 weeks arrrgghhh!! Its been 3 weeks now and the wait is killing me! Everytime the postman comes my heart is pounding! Not in a good way either! Lol! Really worried about my results, would I have to wait this long if they found something bad?? My HA is up the roof, has been for some time, 18 month or so of one health worry after another, some just anxiety in the end others real, so I'm absolutely fed up! Just want to get up in the morning and feel normal and get on with things like most people! Sorry, needed to get it off my chest.

---------- Post added at 11:37 ---------- Previous post was at 10:17 ----------

postman just been, nothing again!