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Thread: Trying my hardest to get through this hell,

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Trying my hardest to get through this hell,

    Thanks to you all who have helped me so far on this last 6 month of hell!

    Today has been again horrible,
    Can't think straight, can't take nothing in, convinced I'm going to lose my mind, lost, FEAR! pure pure uncontrollable fear its so bad, so sudden and uncontrollable it hurts! The pain in my head is tortchure. It's so intense I can't breath or remember much like the time around it is a dream.
    I fed up of it all now,
    Yesterday & today like the last 6months solid I don't feel like my normal self, I'm constantly worried I'm lost forever I don't feel normal I don't know how to herb through the days no more I'm that lost and bad.

    Today I woke felt like I always do "kind of half ok" then my body wakes up with no feeling of awaress of what day it is or how to go about the day, anyway about 11.30 my mind and body opend up and I felt like I could feel and think a little more clearer and better, 70% me feeling, went to look at new family car even felt a little excitement and I could feel feelings of outwards was like normal to make decisions, left a car sales place and out if no where u felt my body staring to shut down losing mind power, losing feelings and things losing the feelings of feeling like me.
    I started to get weak legs and tingling feelings in them,I struggled to have a conversation with my wife she was trying to see if I was ok and I couldn't respond like my brain just couldn't take it in, I felt lost didn't feel the feeling if where I was going, I felt like I couldn't talk back. Then the strong twisted fear feeling started. Starts in my stomach, gets higher and higher up in to my head feels like I'm going insane I feel like screaming it physically hurts too.
    It's so bad it's brought tears to my eyes, it dies down but my stomach feels on fire. It's gone now but I can feel it a little but in the out if my stomach and my head feels like load of slight electric little shocks are happening,

    Everything I think about creates pure fear, even though I'm not scared it feels like my brain is saying your not doing it your scared and I'm telling myself no I'm not!!
    I can't think straight! My boss has asked me to make a list of materials I use for my gas job and Im struggling to think. I'm full of fear and I dint know why! I've done my job for 15 years I'm not scared but my brain is saying "yes you will be!"

    I'm taking a trip to my drs tomorrow, the pain, the sensations I'm feeling arnt right, the fact I can't even think intelligent or anything near like I use to is destroying my life or what little life I have left im like this 24/7!

    Them feelings of uncontrollable intense fear I've has them from day 1, I've been out in public and had to hold on to something it hurts that bad like my minds being twisted up! The very first time it happend I was at home it was so bad and u didvf know what it was it made me fall to my hands and knees screaming in pain! It feels like I'm losing my mind or going backwards,!!8-(

    What can the dr give me for this?? Us this anxiety Defo? I'm worried I have some sort of desease in my body it's so bad,

    Physically Numb body
    Constant head aches,
    Blocked ears that crackle when I yawn
    Poor blurred vision
    Lack of mental clarity
    Lack of intellegence and feeling of awarness
    Emotions are changing within minutes, crying, happy, angry, scared, but constant lack of mental clarity why like this
    Sometimes il cry then cheer up but then yawn a lot and then feel like I'm stuck in the high emotion after crying,
    Hair is going grey!!!! 8-(
    Find myself walking around the house without feeling or purpose
    Having to ask for jobs to do otherwise I just get lost in time in myself
    Body feels like it's telling me it's full of fear "go and run away" but I don't want to it's like a feeling I don't control
    Mental clarity clears up then drops then clears up a little so I can't think of ideas and like I have common sense!!! Then it goes again (stuck pretty much in it all say everyday bar a few minutes if I'm lucky)
    Lack of awareness of time and co ordination (I've left gas rings on, I've got out the bath leaving my son in there because I forgot I just bathed with him he's 2!
    Walked in through the front door sat down with no feeling of awarness of my kids like my brains just locked up and not working)
    Sat around the house feeling nothing at all Interms of feeling outwards! I can sit for 2 hours and forget u even have my son 2 and 7 year old girl upstairs until I hear a noise and consciously think oh yer!!! I'm like this al day everyday unless my brain eases and opens up so I can think feel and function a little)
    The list goes on, I'm trying to remain calm wgen them fear feelings happen I try to let them pass and not fight them but it's impossible there that bad! There not easing at all, I'm worried I have more wrong than what there saying,
    It's like my brain is being starved of something - why feel like I do then I can think a bit better like my brains started then it dies away, then il feel a little clearer then I can't even take a word in or think intelligent or find it hard to spell it finish a sentence I get lost! Like I'm thick,

    But then "click" and I feel the click too and bio it all goes away and I feel like I've been born again and feel amazing! Better than I've ever felt ....yaaaaaaaaaaaawn!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaawn!!!! Yaaaaaaaaaaaawn!!!
    Then click - I go back in to that non functional thicko and it all starts again for another god knows how long! I want out if this know! I need some medication to help me live atleast some sort of existence again, it's dangerous living and feeling like I do. I'm worried for my family and future, it's a good job my wife is here because some days I can't even think like a normal person.
    Why would this clicking out of "it" happen? I'm afraid it my brain not getting enough oxygen, vitamins, I don't know but why the massive massive massive long yawns every time this happens?
    I have a clear head, I look around like where have I been, things I've been looking at in our new home for the last 6 months feels like I'm seeing them for the first time! ....frustrated, 8-(
    Has anyone ever had this clicking out yawning before??? Is this even possible with anxiety? 2 therapists, 3 assors and 2 old doctors couldn't say they seen anything like it,
    Talking tot new dr tomorrow I want to see a neurologist, nose and throat person, ct scans I want everything there is before I lose the plot out of frustration

    I know I've posted before all this I just don't know what to so or where I can find the strength from no more to get better, if I lose my job il lose the plot! I worked so hard to get where I am at I can't lose it but I can't even think the route to work somedays!! What's up with me!!!!!!!

    ---------- Post added at 20:46 ---------- Previous post was at 20:26 ----------

    ....I get little periods where I can think things like I have some sort of mind power, I can't feel my past, I can't feel my present, I feel lost.. I get little things coming to me from years ago that ild usualy think about and be oh yer remember that like it was nothing - when it happens now I'm like omg! Remember that because that's how terrible my brain is, I start to panic then because I want out! The months are flying by and I feel like I'm drowning in this hell and I can't breath or escape it, i just want my life back I want to feel intelligent again, think sharp, spell correct and make sense! Talk to people technically like I use to be able to in my job, make contact and feel my family and feel and make clear ideas.

    It's like my brains dormant and needs a push start - I give it one I half feel ok it juddered I get a few feelings and memories then it breaks down again,

    I've tried citalopram, progabalin, setraline (possibly the course for this) buspar
    Still taking the citalopram -because I feel like I do I don't even know if there doing anything I'm that everywhere.

    Lost a friend a few week back in a motor cycle accident - I'm that bad I didn't feel anything or think what to do, I missed is funeral because I could t think straight,

    Can anyone put a disorder do this in going through? Or have I just lost the plot?

    Scared for my future now I don't have no one else if anything was to happen to my partner why I'm like this I wouldn't know what to do and I mean I really couldn't think how or what to do like I can't think straight or normal.
    This is not the real me. Where am I?
    Last edited by Ollie28; 01-09-14 at 20:56.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Trying my hardest to get through this hell,

    Talking tot new dr tomorrow I want to see a neurologist, nose and throat person, ct scans I want everything there is before I lose the plot out of frustration
    I think that's the best way forward Ollie. Get checked out for peace of mind.
    At least then you know, if all clear, it's anxiety.

    Think I read somewhere yawning can be related to blood sugar. Can you link it to eating, being hungry ? If it comes and goes it could possibly be related to eating habits.

    I've just read people on citalopram yawn more too.

    For sure tell this doc you're seeing all your symptoms. Yawning can be a sign of lots of things from blood pressure to adrenal issues. Only doing all the checks on you will confirm if you're 100% healthy or not. Get them don't once, at least then you know.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2007
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Trying my hardest to get through this hell,

    Ollie I would certainly say you're under the hardest spell of anxiety. Know this though, it cannot get any worse than where you are now, I've been there trust me.

    Try taking some time out, find a comfort zone (bed, chair, corner) somewhere quiet where you can stop and breathe in and out slowly and relax. Thinking of your breathing and make it deep and slow and try and think of something you like and are positive about.

    I'm here with you every step of the way mate and have the exact same problems, fears, thoughts and symptoms.
    “Anxiety is a thin stream of fear trickling through the mind. If encouraged, it cuts a channel into which all other thoughts are drained.” ~Arthur Somers Roche

  4. #4

    Re: Trying my hardest to get through this hell,

    this happen some time.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Trying my hardest to get through this hell,

    Hi all,

    Nice one man it's great to feel some support,

    Yer it's hell, today I've been the same with the same sensations leaving me with stomach pains and head aches, felt like my stomach was on fire,
    visited the drs he's pretty confused, I begged him for something knew to try he's give me some beta blockers too one before it didn't do much tbh, upped my citalopram too, I know deep down its very very high level of anxiety but I can't get out of it, I missed my therapy today because I forgot or just wasn't aware.

    My new doctor is writing to send me to a neurologist.

    Going to sit down tonight and hopefully relax, I might even have a cold beer.
    Fed up of not having any life!! Or feeling like I have a life anymore.

    ---------- Post added at 16:12 ---------- Previous post was at 16:08 ----------

    Sorry Ooosh mate,
    Regarding the eating thing I don't even think about food, I don't feel hunger most of the time. If I wasn't given food I prob wouldn't even bother eating or drinking unless by chance it comes to my mind,

    I'm in a horrible place mate, a place I didn't even know existed, I feel like I'm somewhere else and I'm being stuck out of me.

    There's so many different feeling and sensations I struggle to even think clear or straight.

    I need a holiday and some rest give my nerves a chance to relax.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Trying my hardest to get through this hell,

    Glad your doc sending you to see a neurologist. That's something.

    Yeh try and chill out.

    So you're still on citalopram. Excessive yawning seems to be a side effect of citalopram. Google "citalopram yawning"

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Apr 2014

    Re: Trying my hardest to get through this hell,

    Nice one mate, I've trained my brain in such a messed up way and it's so tired and done in I don't know how to re train or restore it.

    My car was repossessed before - (was giving it back anyway buying a family car) but I didn't feel a thing, not a single emotion, i was numb - I didn't even know what to do or say. Life's poo at the moment! Painful and poo! I'm trying to learn Mindfullness but I was thinking in such a deep inward traumatic way for so long and so hard my mind wont open back up - that's how it feels. I can let my mind go relax and it happly with comfort sinks inwards and locks, I then can feel the adrenaline realising in my stomach and I'm stuck like this.

    I'm trying to open back out, think outwards take my time and take things in, retrain my brain, it's hard it's painful, I've no other choice really my body and mind are pushing me to go further and further inward, I'm getting tortchured with pain, fear, prickling crazy fear feeling! And heres me trying to escape!!

  8. #8

    Re: Trying my hardest to get through this hell,

    dear Ollie,
    I can really really relate to this torture of pure fear! It really is the worst!!!! I really know how you feel! I am suffering from quite a lot of your symptoms, too!
    Have your doctors maybe considered other mental illnesses that have those symptoms? Borderline PD, ptsd, Depersonalisation disorder and so on? From your other (newer) entry I know that you are really desperate right now and I really really do understand believe me! Been there and am there again and again. Please try to go on. I was really worried reading your suicidal thoughts from the other entry.Please know you're not alone I'm suffering from quite similar symptoms!
    And it seems like your mind is really caught in the fear spiral like you are totally traumatised by this state (which, believe me, I totally understand!) and your thoughts are obsessed with it and try to control it - so your whole body and mind is caught.
    At last I need to say - shame on your current doctors for simply sending you away - like seriously unprofessional! Please seak a mental institution when things get bad - I know how helpless you feel because noone gets what is going on with you but I am sure you will find a psychiatrist that can help you.

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