Sorry to here about that mate.

Depression, as I'm sure you know, can change how we deal with situations and sometimes we mess it all up. It can also make us view things from a skewed position. I know from speaking to others than sometimes it can be too intense being around other people like this (which may sound strange given they are the only people that understand) because they can find it a trigger. I think it depends on the relationship though and if you were getting on well and not just leaning on each other discussing the negative aspects, then I can't see how it could be anything other than productive. I hope that doesn't sound harsh, its not meant to be, but I'm hoping I'm getting a point over about it being support with friendship as opposed to discussions only centred on the bad stuff.

Its a tricky situation because this has cost you a support and a friend that you needed to. Sadly, it does come down to him talking to you about it, not wanting things back the way they were because that is a one sided affair. You need to know what it is that caused him to say that and whether there is anything you can adjust or whether it was just something he was wrong about. I can't see how you can trust him otherwise so that you know he isn't just using you for the support.

Your GP's sound like, well, clowns to me. I remember talking to you and I remember how your GP had said the standard dose was 30mg, which is just ludicrous because all the literature about Duloxetine says the opposite. Now they appear to have changed their minds but it doesn't sound like they doing it from the point of view of moving to a standard dose, which they clearly don't understand anyway, but to an increased above standard dose (in their eyes).

GP's have NICE guidance which does say they should change between forms of medication. I know how you feel because my GP is like this "I have nothing else to prescribe" - shame how NHS Direct, NICE and all medical literature prove otherwise (incompetance or blag?) and "I'm not qualified to increase meds above normal levels" - so have to see a psychologist for this with a 12 month waiting list which he won't even refer me for. I gave up on my GP and joined this place.

So, I question the competance of your GP's. I also think, given your complex conditions with CFS/ME which GP's don't seem well educated on, that you may be best with a more experienced specialist like a psychologist, so perhaps you need a referral? I don't know how you would get one since my GP blocks my attempts but can you CFS/ME therapist offer advice on this given they are working in a specialist field. I would also go back to them about this and see if there is anything else they can do.