Tell me about it, I have got it to cycles of 3-4 days bad to about 5-7 days good at the moment but its still a crusher everytime those bad 3-4 days come around.

Its classic GAD, nothing to worry about but still worried constantly. Its very hard, I think, to break out of this because in many ways there is nothing that is even worrying us and all I have found so far is to stay active, get out in the fresh air, try group things to build confidence, distraction techniques, relaxation techniques (breathing and Progressive Muscle Relaxation (PMR)), CBT which wasn't very effective since I can't even pin half of this down and the most helpful than all (exercise is also a very strong helper) has been Mindfulness.

Guilt is very common but its also a powerful negative emotion. Try not to let it invade you too much because it feeds the depression. Its natural to feel some level of guilt I think, so treat it like that and don't allow it to push you into a spiral...consider it as "feeling bad about something" as opposed to real guilt as this way you attach a lower level lable to it and labels are important in anxiety & depression as they can be negative anchors in our subconscious.