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Thread: Repeated bloods to rest for low iron?

  1. #1

    Repeated bloods to rest for low iron?

    I recently went to the doctor with symptoms of feeling breathless, like i cant take a full breath in sometimes. She decided to do a number of tests including chest x ray, ecg etc which were fine. But I got a call to go in and get a repeat blood test to test for Iron Deficiency which means i can only assume something wasnt right on my full blood count??

    I have suffered badly with healthy anxiety/ocd/depression in the past but had a handle on it for while but due to a lot of things going wrong this year - ill family members, my brother in law dying very young and a number of other things it seems my healthy anxiety has come back in full force.

    what im worried about is that I am anaemic, and that somehow it is caused by something sinister - like cancer or bleeding somewhere? I also suffer IBS which gets worse with anxiety which doesnt help my fears any at a time like this.
    does the repeat test mean i am anaemic and need to check what kind it is? or would they have checked my iron on my full blood count?
    feeling very stressed out right now.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2003
    , , United Kingdom.

    Re: Repeated bloods to rest for low iron?

    I have just had a second blood test for the same thing and they are looking at low Vitamin B12 and folate.

    It doesn't worry me though cos loads of people get low readings for these and sometimes they go back to normal or it would be treated with iron tablets for example of B12 injections.

    Really, don't worry about it.

    I will also move this post to the blood test forum.

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