I changed to Sertraline from Citalopram around 3 months ago, and am now taking 200mg/day. In that time I've pretty much lost my sense of smell for many things, and alongside it my sense of taste! I've just spent an hour cooking a big pot of spaghetti bolognese, full of onion and garlic and herbs, and I can't smell a thing - and when I tried some to see what it tasted like, I could taste maybe a bit of salt but that was it :-(

I do get recurring bouts of sinusitis (had about three/four this past year) and I usually lose my sense of smell/taste then, but I've not had a bout for at least a month or so! Looking online I've noticed a few posts in various places possibly linking it to use of Sertraline and just wondered if anyone else had experienced this? I've realised it's something that's been going on for quite a while now too.