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Thread: Aches, pains and sensations - had enough! advice needed please :)

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Aches, pains and sensations - had enough! advice needed please :)

    Hi all

    I have back pain on and off and have done for years, but I'm finding with my anxiety it is so much worse. I also have blocked ears, sore throat, swollen glands, terrible stomach acid and feel really tired and everything feels like a massive effort. Still managing to function, and being busy actually helps me 'relax' if that makes sense?

    Just wondering if anyone can relate to any of these symptoms to put my mind at rest?

    - lower back pain and shoulder tension, burning/bruised sensation down spine
    - slight sore throat/slight swollen tender glands
    - head ache/fuzzy 'not there' sensation
    - blocked ears/tinnitus
    - stomach acid, loose stools (sorry!)
    - aches and pains (pulled muscle feeling all over body)

    I am guessing anxiety has a lot to do with this, can it make you physically 'tense up'?

    I'm going to the doctors tomorrow to ask about medication cause I have had enough now. They have suggested it a few times now but I wanted to see how I got on with CBT instead, but now I think the medication would help. Just want to function normally and not freak out ever time I get a headache.

    I also need help with how I am projecting all this onto my partner... he has a slow-healing wound at the moment (on his leg/groin - ouch!) and even though he has been told it is healing, I am freaking out cause the Dr told him if he still has it in a week he will need blood tests... aaarrrgghhh!!

    Just need a break from all this, have worked myself up into such a state. Had the odd 'good day' during the week but my nerves are shot now and I am so achy and tired.

    Anyone got any good advice for feeling better when it gets like this?

    Thanks xx

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Aches, pains and sensations - had enough! advice needed please :)


    I get these symptoms and more, fun times eh!

    Anxiety sucks it really does, we tend to tense when we are stressed, I know I do, and I poke and prod at things and make things worse.

    I can relate to feeling tired, it sucks all your energy out and leaves you feeling so drained.

    Things that I have found that work to me to calm me down are, a nice warm bath, especially if you are achey, getting a massage, reading a book, distraction seems to work for me quite well sometimes.

    I can totally relate to you and I hope you feel much better much sooner. It's a tough road but I think talking to others about it will help us feel more supported.

    Take care of yourself, I really hope you feel much better.

  3. #3

    Re: Aches, pains and sensations - had enough! advice needed please :)

    Hi Snowflake

    I know absolutely how you feel.... it's almost like I could have written your post.... I am currently suffering lower back pain, neck and shoulder pain and a feeling like I've been kicked in the back and not to mention the bruised feeling down my spine.... I could go on and on...... I've also got a cold and sore throat that has sent my HA over the edge - I just have a feeling that it is something sinister and not just my good old anxiety stressing my nervous system.... Like you say - you get the odd good day and then smack you feel like you've been hit by a bus.....

    So, please do not think you are alone - these anxiety symptoms are very real....

    Do you exercise much?? I only ask as I find this really helps me sometimes keep a handle on things... I haven't exercised for over a month due to feeling the normal winter setting in/not feeling 100%/loads of bugs about/too busy .... and I think that I'm really feeling the effects of not keeping fit... they say a healthy body = healthy mind and I do think that is true... and also my healthy eating has gone out the window, which I'm sure is another big factor......

    I'm booking in for a massage to help my tired and achey muscles and I'm going to treat myself once a month.... I've been reading a lot about Mindefulness on this site and am going to give that a go - there are some good apps about - and lots of stuff on Google (a more constructive use of Google I think rather than my latest symptom!!).....

    This forum has really helped me a lot - just reading other's post makes me feel like I'm not going mad, I'm sure my friends and family are just tired of hearing what illness I've got now!! I'm trying my hardest to get out of the vicious cycle of healthy anxiety, I feel it maybe a long road and I'll have good and bad days... but will keep trying to stay positive and calm (easier said than done!!) hope you feel better soon.....

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2013

    Re: Aches, pains and sensations - had enough! advice needed please :)

    Hi, the shoulder and neck tension I can relate to. Im also getting aches here and there. I have a sciatic nerve issue I know about which seems to flare more with anxiety. Also I get lightheaded if my sciatic nerve is tense which seems to relay to my left shoulder.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2014

    Re: Aches, pains and sensations - had enough! advice needed please :)

    It's so annoying having good days then feeling like crap for no apparent reason!

    Had a bad stomach today just felt bloated all day and still got hot feet (wtf!?) which also seems to have been my legs and bum today sat at work felt like I was sat on a heated car seat while sat at my desk so weird

    Convinced I have some neurological problems causing nerve damage constantly worried and have shit feelings and terrified of leaving my young family without a father, husband it makes me so sad

    Seriously feel like I'm losing the plot

    Keep thinking do I have diabetes due to my bad diet (I eat crap to purposely put weight on as safety blanket that if I gain weight I can't be ill) head is so messed up but can't even speak to anyone about it and just lost my grandad late last week at the grand old age of ninety, I'm praying I can make it to ninety

    Total mess ����������

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