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Thread: Sertraline

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2014


    Been prescribed 25mg of sertraline, took first one last night and got the worst headache imaginable. The reason I'm taking it is that I'm anxious I have a brain tumour so it's not helping. Feel sick too. Thinking I may not take anymore until after Christmas as want to feel ok then. Any advice???

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2011

    Re: Sertaline


    This is just a courtesy reply to let you know that your post was moved from its original place to a sub-forum that is more relevant to your problem.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Sertraline

    Quote Originally Posted by paranoidjh View Post
    Been prescribed 25mg of sertraline, took first one last night and got the worst headache imaginable. The reason I'm taking it is that I'm anxious I have a brain tumour so it's not helping. Feel sick too. Thinking I may not take anymore until after Christmas as want to feel ok then. Any advice???

    Hi paranoidjh,

    Not sure if you would have seen any of my recent posts about my experience with Sertraline but I started it on Monday and had a dry flakly mole on my neck (had knocked it with a towel drying myself) and had a proper meltdown over it, definitely made worse (in my opinion) cause I started on 50mg of Sertraline on Monday.

    I saw my GP yesterday over sommat else but mentioned wanting to come off it and she said the best advice (for me in her opinion) was to stick with it and that the anxiety will begin to subside after a couple of weeks and I should be feeling much better. As I had a panic attack there and then and was feeling desperate she prescribed me some diazepam to help things just over the next few days.

    My advice is not to stop taking anything without talking to your GP. I definitely can relate to what you are saying and I am dreading having to 'hold it together' for a family Christmas without obsessing and panicking over health concerns like I normally do, but I am determined to get through the next week!

    I am feeling sick on the Sertraline too, but today is the first day since I started (I am on day 6) that I am feeling slightly better, although this is probably due to the diazepam.

    Are you able to book in to see your GP before Christmas?


  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2014

    Re: Sertraline

    Thanks for your reply. Not a chance of getting in to see GP before Christmas. Have spoken to pharmacist who suggested taking it every other day. May try that. Think I'd rather feel anxious than feel how I do now.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jan 2012

    Re: Sertraline

    Hi I'm on sertraline, been on it a while now and I had everyone of the side effects on the leaflet at the start. It's a slow uptake, so try to give it a bit longer. I take mine at night, before bed. Being impatient with your meds will only make your anxiety worse.

    Take care

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Dec 2014

    Re: Sertraline

    Quote Originally Posted by paranoidjh View Post
    Thanks for your reply. Not a chance of getting in to see GP before Christmas. Have spoken to pharmacist who suggested taking it every other day. May try that. Think I'd rather feel anxious than feel how I do now.
    If there is no way you can see your doctor 'til after Christmas then perhaps take the advice of the pharmacist. Definitely be patient, all medicines take time to work and some do have unfortunate side effects.

    I hope you feel better soon x

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