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  1. #1

    GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Hi guys,

    I just wondered if anyone has been refused a pregabalin prescription as I am rather confused as to why my GP wouldn't prescribe me it.

    I have been suffering from depression and anxiety for 4 years now. Although the anxiety is something I have suffered for the majority of my life. I have managed to get over the depression through lifestyle changes thankfully. But the anxiety is still well and truly there and it is severely restricting my life.

    I am currently on trazodone 100mg per night and have been on them for about 2 years. I tried citalopram but after 2 days I had to stop taking them as they made me feel like I was on some illegal drugs and I couldn't poweer through the side effects, they were way too much in my case. I have been prescribed propranolol a few times which seems to help with the symptoms but only on a temporary basis. I was prescribed ten 2mg diazepam once because I was in a total state, and the doctor wasn't happy about it. I had a 5 day script of zopiclone for sleep once as I suffer badly from insomnia at times. And again the doctor was not happy about me asking for this and said never to ask for them again. Then it turned out they had given me the recommended dose for an elderly person! Needless to say they didn't work.

    So recently I have been in touch with an old friend and he suffers from similar issues to me and he has been on pregabalin 300mg and trazodone 50mg which he says works wonders for him. I had never heard of it so I psent weeks researching it and it seemed ideal for me. I have tried CBT, exercise, aromatherapy bath salts, self help books and so on but none of it has helped me. And I am SICK and TIRED of being controlled by this ridiculous anxiety. I have read of soooo many people from the UK being on this drug so I thought I would ask my doctor to give me a script. I even found an NHS document that says if you have tried at least 2 other medications for anxiety then doctors must prescribe this is the patient asks for it.

    I went to the GP yesterday morning with so much hope. But I was shot down the second I mentioned the pregabalin. He said it wasn't really licenced for anxiety and said he would prove it with his medication book. He found it in the book and then evidently found that it is prescribed for anxiety so he wouldn't show me. He just said "look at all these side effects". I'm sorry but the side effects of the citalopram and fluoxetine he wanted me to go on were SO BAD! I thought I was going to die. I understna dpregabalin is expensive to the NHS when compared to SSRI's etc so I tried to negotiate and said I would come off the trazodone gradually. He still said no even when I calmly told him about the comparison reviews I read online. I left the GP crying. I am so tired of being the way I am. He gave me the same list of websites for CBT talk and counsellors. But on the NHS it takes so bloody long to get anything and as I have said, I tried it already and paid for it myself.

    What are other peoples experiences in this? Pregabalin seemed like a way out for me, a way to be free. I am devastated and just want to live my life and be able to leave my flat and enjoy my life without worrying. I am fed up.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Hi i also got refused pregabalin my my physc, she said it's not common practise to prescribe this for anxiety and also said about the side effects? I was gutted as have read so much good reviews on it for anxiety, im struggling majorly at the min with severe anxiety and panic and having to rely on Diazepam to help me through the day XX
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Go back to your doctor with exactly the same request (doctors hate that). Print out the NHS guidelines on the treatment of anxiety (which includes pregabalin) and show them to your doctor.

    You could also point to all the side effects of SSRIs etc. Every drug has a list of side effects - that was a petty power play on the part of your doctor.

    If your doctor still says no, say you want a second opinion, and ask for a referral.

    Eventually, someone will relent - pregabalin has been an NHS approved medication for anxiety since 2006, but some doctors are still unaware of this (as your GP seemed to be), and just want to keep on prescribing the old familiar drugs.

  4. #4

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Quote Originally Posted by hanshan View Post
    Go back to your doctor with exactly the same request (doctors hate that). Print out the NHS guidelines on the treatment of anxiety (which includes pregabalin) and show them to your doctor.

    You could also point to all the side effects of SSRIs etc. Every drug has a list of side effects - that was a petty power play on the part of your doctor.

    If your doctor still says no, say you want a second opinion, and ask for a referral.

    Eventually, someone will relent - pregabalin has been an NHS approved medication for anxiety since 2006, but some doctors are still unaware of this (as your GP seemed to be), and just want to keep on prescribing the old familiar drugs.
    Thank you. I actually felt like I was losing my mind in that appointment. No matter what I said he just did not agree. He said it wasn't licenced for GAD and I couldn't bring myself to tell him otherwise as he is the doctor who has been doing this for 20 years, and he is the nicest doctor at the practice which is why I always try to see him.

    I have actually just sent an enquiry to a private surgery as I am getting to the point where I feel I could go back into a depression at the thought that I may have to suffer this for the rest of my life.

    Should I go back to see the same doctor? I feel as though I'd be cheeky doing that. Do you think he just doesn't have experience with the drug for anxiety? Or it is a money issue? Or maybe a bit of both? I would bloody well pay for it if there was the option. I could do that through a private doctor but consultations with them cost a fortune too.

    ---------- Post added at 04:17 ---------- Previous post was at 04:15 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by nicola1980 View Post
    Hi i also got refused pregabalin my my physc, she said it's not common practise to prescribe this for anxiety and also said about the side effects? I was gutted as have read so much good reviews on it for anxiety, im struggling majorly at the min with severe anxiety and panic and having to rely on Diazepam to help me through the day XX
    Have you tried for a second opinion? It is ridiculous how badly mental health is treated in the UK. I can't even get any diazepam from my doctor. I understand benzos are not a long term solution and are addictive but I have read of people being on pregabalin for years and managing to come off them fine. God help us lol xxx

    ---------- Post added at 06:06 ---------- Previous post was at 04:17 ----------

    I found an email address for my GP, should I be so bold as to send him an email with my "evidence"? I don't feel I could bring myself to get another appointment with him, I'd feel as though I am wasting time as it is a nightmare for GP's these days with their schedules. When I could easily send an email? Or is that too much? I've never heard of someone doing that before but I just want to fight my case. He did say he would do some research on it but didn't say about getting in touch with me if he found evidence in my benefit. I am from Scotland and we get our prescriptions for free but I don't know if there is a way to pay for them through the NHS? I am just desperate.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    If you want more proof of when it's used, you can find guidance to the NHS on the NICE website. Sadly, this only covers England & Wales as Scotland have their own version but I remember their guidelines being far being NICE in terms of mental health when I was checking on their for someone on here a while back but I wonder if NICE approval would help?

    This medication costs more so GP's can be like this and your GP sounds like a right idiot trying to scare you off by citing side effects when they all come with them which they are less open about when they prescribe then easily when someone sees them wroth anxiety and depression. A very low thing to do.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2010

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Hello Heather,

    I wouldn't bother sending emails to your doctor - they would probably get quickly flicked through and forgotten.

    Is your doctor unaware that pregabalin is licensed for anxiety or put off by the cost? Maybe both. But persist.

    If you have the money, you can offer to pay the full cost yourself. The cost isn't astronomical - I paid it in Australia because pregabalin wasn't licensed for anxiety, and it came to around five dollars per day at the maximum dose (I think that's about 2-3 UK pounds for 600 mg). I thought it was money well spent, particularly when lots of people were spending the equivalent on a morning cup of coffee and muffin.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Well if you list your county or town, I can post you the costs as the local trusts have documents detailing their costs but I would expect it would cost more given someone is likely to want a profit and the licenced costs are most likely not to individuals.

    There are some local trust cost examples in my post on this thread:

    I'm sure I posted a load in one thread but I can't seem to find it anymore.

    Hanshan, I doubt a patient could do that with a NHS GP, maybe it will mean going private?
    Last edited by MyNameIsTerry; 11-01-15 at 09:29.

  8. #8

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    Well if you list your county or town, I can post you the costs as the local trusts have documents detailing their costs but I would expect it would cost more given someone is likely to want a profit and the licenced costs are most likely not to individuals.

    There are some local trust cost examples in my post on this thread:

    I'm sure I posted a load in one thread but I can't seem to find it anymore.

    Hanshan, I doubt a patient could do that with a NHS GP, maybe it will mean going private?
    Thanks Terry. I am from Glasgow in Scotland. I sat for hours last night looking at many documents which shows pregabalin is prescribed for anxiety and so many people from the UK are on it for this reason. My friend is from the same place as me and he is prescribed it but the doctor just shoved that under the table. I can't believe the support on this site, I'm almost in tears at how helpful you are all being. You have no idea how much I appreciate it.

    I have sent an enquiry to a private hospital to find out some more, I just have my heart set on this drug as I've compared it to so many other drugs and I just feel it could work for me. I actually read a document which argues that it is ridiculous that people are made to go on SSRI's instead of pregabalin for anxiety when pregabalin has been found to be so much more beneficial. I think this is why I am so annoyed with the system right now.

    ---------- Post added at 17:12 ---------- Previous post was at 17:08 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by hanshan View Post
    Hello Heather,

    I wouldn't bother sending emails to your doctor - they would probably get quickly flicked through and forgotten.

    Is your doctor unaware that pregabalin is licensed for anxiety or put off by the cost? Maybe both. But persist.

    If you have the money, you can offer to pay the full cost yourself. The cost isn't astronomical - I paid it in Australia because pregabalin wasn't licensed for anxiety, and it came to around five dollars per day at the maximum dose (I think that's about 2-3 UK pounds for 600 mg). I thought it was money well spent, particularly when lots of people were spending the equivalent on a morning cup of coffee and muffin.
    Yes that was what he said anyway, that it wasn't licenced for anxiety, even though my friend is on the same drug. He then tried to give me the "I don't know how it would react with the trazodone", which again makes no sense as my friend is also on trazodone. But I did say I would be willing to come off the trazodone, but he said my depression may come back. At this rate it is going to come back anyway as it is ridiculous how much it restricts my life. I hadn't realised how much it does until I listen to other people and what they do on a day to day basis. I don't think we can pay for our scripts from the NHS, I think we need to do it privately here. But a consultation with a private doctor costs a fortune alone, but I have put in an enquiry to a private hospital anyway and see what happens. I would give up the money each month for this drug as I honestly couldn't put a price on how awful it feels some times. I am from Scotland so I have been finding it difficult to find info on this drug for my area.

    ---------- Post added at 17:40 ---------- Previous post was at 17:12 ----------

    Quote Originally Posted by MyNameIsTerry View Post
    If you want more proof of when it's used, you can find guidance to the NHS on the NICE website. Sadly, this only covers England & Wales as Scotland have their own version but I remember their guidelines being far being NICE in terms of mental health when I was checking on their for someone on here a while back but I wonder if NICE approval would help?

    This medication costs more so GP's can be like this and your GP sounds like a right idiot trying to scare you off by citing side effects when they all come with them which they are less open about when they prescribe then easily when someone sees them wroth anxiety and depression. A very low thing to do.
    Yeah I checked the NICE website and thought about showing this to my doctor. The side effecgt thing baffled me as I had read a document a few days ago which compares pregabalin to SSRI's and it just shows it really is a money thing when it comes to prescribing this for anxiety. I had tried citalopram in the past and I lasted 2 days, my jaw had a mind of it's own, my pupils were HUGE, my head was bursting, my anxiety went a million times worse, I couldn't sleep, had restless leg syndrome, had to keep going to the toilet every 5 minutes, heart palpitations and so on. I spoke to a locum doctor on the second day who said come off it immediately. Then one of the other doctors said I could try fluoxetine. Then the locum doctor said no I should never try that as it is very similar to citalopram. Now I haven't experienced anyone with these types of side effects with pregabalin. I'm just at a loss on what to do.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Sorry to hear all this.

    Change your doctor practice, ASAP.

    There are many in Glasgow, and you should have options.

    The private route will be ruinously expensive. Initially prescribed by a private doc, I was quoted £200 per month for 150mg per day (and you may well need more).

    I went to a NHS GP and, given my history of major recent problems, got a NHS script with no problems. You just need to say what I said: you have had dire experience of conventional SSRI and SNRIs, and, as per this link, Preg is the third in line.

    Pregabalin is expensive, but nothing compared to some of the meds out there these days. I do believe Preg is coming off patent in the EU in the next year or two, which will change everything. But I doubt you can wait, so find yourself a new doctor. Ask your friends (on FB etc.?) if they have a good one they know of.

    You have nothing to lose, and much to gain.

    Good luck!


  10. #10

    Re: GP won't prescribe me pregabalin.

    Quote Originally Posted by SmilingAlbert View Post
    Sorry to hear all this.

    Change your doctor practice, ASAP.

    There are many in Glasgow, and you should have options.

    The private route will be ruinously expensive. Initially prescribed by a private doc, I was quoted £200 per month for 150mg per day (and you may well need more).

    I went to a NHS GP and, given my history of major recent problems, got a NHS script with no problems. You just need to say what I said: you have had dire experience of conventional SSRI and SNRIs, and, as per this link , Preg is the third in line.

    Pregabalin is expensive, but nothing compared to some of the meds out there these days. I do believe Preg is coming off patent in the EU in the next year or two, which will change everything. But I doubt you can wait, so find yourself a new doctor. Ask your friends (on FB etc.?) if they have a good one they know of.

    You have nothing to lose, and much to gain.

    Good luck!

    God, I can't believe it costs so much privately. Are you from Glasgow, or Scotland at all? I told my mum of these issues today and broke down about it, she said she wants to come to the doctor with me and bring the documents I have found which show it is licensed in the UK for anxiety. I suppose you are right, I have nothing to lose. I just feel a bit out of my depth going back to the doctor again. If that still leads to nothing I will switch practice. It's ridiculous how mental health is treated in the UK. Thanks for your advice I really hope I can get a script soon.

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