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Thread: New to Venlafaxine

  1. #1

    Unhappy New to Venlafaxine

    Hi, I'm new to the site and just started on Venlafaxine yesterday. I've only had two doses so far (37.5mg twice a day for a week, going up to 75mg twice a day in 7 days).

    I've come off Mertazapine (after many others) and this is my last ditch attempt to get on something to feel normal again. I've only had 2 hours sleep during the last 48 hours. I've just been back to the doctor who has given me 5mg Diazapine (to alternate with Zopiclone) to get me thru the first couple of weeks whilst they kick in and to help me sleep at night.

    I feel absolutely terrible though. I've got all the common side effects - I’m really shaky this morning, I’ve had tingling all down both arms, tinitus, nausea, hot and cold flushes all night, dry mouth and fuzzy head. I know these side effects will get less in time but I don't know if I can stand two weeks of this. I run my own business on my own so have no-one else to fall back on. I also have two children who need me in a good state of mind.

    I can't imagine how I will feel when I increase the dose in a week's time, these tablets feel so strong!

    I've got to take my 2nd dose of the day in just under an hour and am dreading it. I'm not looking forward to another sleepless night of nausea and hot/cold sweats.

    Does anyone know why you have to take the meds with food? I'm really struggling to eat

    Can anyone give me any advice on how to get thru this initial period please? Any tips would be greatly appreciated.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: New to Venlofaxine

    Hi i take venlafaxine, i started off on 37.5mg once and day and gradually increased up to 150mg slow release so I only need to take it once a day. I had all the typical side effects, nausea, shakes, dilated pupils and increased anxiety, infact I nearly gave up on day 3 but I persevered and they passed, you need to take ven with food as it can upset your stomach. Try and stick it out and use your Diazepam and zopiclone to help you through, the side effects will lesson in time XX
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  3. #3

    Re: New to Venlofaxine

    Thank you for replying. How long did it take for you to be feel normal and to be able to function properly?!

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: New to Venlofaxine

    I'll be honest it was a slow working med for me and I didn't start to improve until I got up to 150mg, i have been as high as 187.5mg on it but recently lowered back down to 150mg. How are you feeling today? X
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: New to Venlofaxine

    Nic's right, it is a really good med and you want to give it a real try. All side effects were gone inside of a month, except dry mouth, and we all need more water anyway!

    I am at 225 and doing well, but my increases have been quite slow. If you are really feeling the s/e, perhaps your doc will allow for a slower titration? It helped me hang in there. Mine is seasonal so I think that's why I need to go higher in winter than some folks. Good luck!!

    Keep posting!! x

  6. #6

    Re: New to Venlofaxine

    Hi Marie, thanks for getting in touch. I think I am getting used to it a bit now, the night sweats have gone (night 3) and the fog seems to be lifting in by the afternoons. I've taken the morning dose a bit earlier (6.15am) so I can take my evening one earlier. Sleep is still a big problem though. Are you able to sleep well now that you are settled into your ven dose? I think my depression is also quite a lot worse in winter.

    The one se that I don't have is dry mouth thankfully (though I am drinking loads more water even so)

    I am determined to carry on now, it's so reassuring to know that the bad times will come to an end eventually. I'm not putting myself thru all this just to give up! Thanks to you and Nic for your support xxx

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Oct 2011

    Re: New to Venlofaxine


    Definitely stick with it. This is my second time on this med and I nearwgave up on day 3 due to the wired sensation and chronic constipation. Those side effects passed pretty quickly and I can't think of any side effects I'm having now a month later. It really is an amazing med. Good luck

  8. #8

    Re: New to Venlofaxine

    i have read your problem i understand you are worried. do not take any medicine for sleep, i will tell you a simple exercise. before one hour going to bed lay down onflat hard surface, your knees upwards, your arms under your neck. start lifting your head towards your knees untill you can then go back to rest position. do go fast in the begaining. try to do 25-50 times then rest for five minutes then do it again two three times. after this drink some water and ligt food then you go to bed after an hour. you will not need any medicine.

  9. #9

    Re: New to Venlofaxine

    absaraftab - I was a bit cynical about the exercises but though that I have nothing to lose so I did them anyway. The main bit of advice that I took was NOT to take and sleeping pills. I was really scared of being awake all night again but that WASN'T the case! I have slept for hours (waking up a few times but went back to sleep fairly quickly). I think the above two things combined with the advice from nicola1980 to go onto the slow release tablets have at last made sleep possible. I cannot thank you two enough. I have a smile on my face and I am optimistic about the future on these meds. The rough part has lasted precisely 4-5 days so for anyone else starting on Venlafaxine, there is light at the end of what has been a VERY dark tunnel when starting on these meds. I would never have believed there could be such a turnaround. I have hardly and se's this morning, I'm a bit shaky but not like previous mornings and my pupils are still dilated but it's nothing that I can't deal with. Thanks again to all of you lovely people for your help and advice. xxx

  10. #10
    Join Date
    Sep 2011

    Re: New to Venlofaxine

    That's absolutely fantastic hun, that's really made me smile this morning the slow release are so much better in my opinion and I'm sure when you increase to 150mg you'll feel so much better XX
    You were given this life because you are strong enough to live it x x x x x x x x

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