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Thread: Panic mode all Day!

  1. #1
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Panic mode all Day!

    Never felt like this before.

    It started this morning. I went up the road in my local Town and all of a sudden my legs felt like jelly and I though I was going to pass out.
    Luckily I was near a chemist, so I went inside and told the Sales Assistant that I thought I was going to faint. Ten minutes passed and nothing happened. So, thinking with my logical head, I put it down to Anxiety.
    Since then, I have been in a shivery state, even though I am warm. Feel slightly detached and feel like my breathing is not right. I have very dark circles under my eyes and keep coughing to clear my chest. My stomach is gurgling, I am constantly belching and yawning and have tingling hands.
    It's like the pre-Panic Attack stage, but it hasn't come.
    I have been like this for ten hours now and have never had this before for so long.

    I've been doing the breathing exercises, had Green Tea and tried to relax, but the feelings are still there?

    This is a huge set-back for me and the Fear is setting in Big-time.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    I recognise all your symptoms. Sounds like me years back when I used to have constant days of anxiety. Shaking, heart racing, light headed, pins and needles, upset tummy, lump in my chest and throat. I used to sit and rock back and forth, hugging myself. It really does sound like an anxiety state to me. However, I can't tell you what to do to stop it.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    Hi Carnation,

    I wouldn't view this as a set back. I know it must be so frustrating when you've been doing so well, but your body reacting to anxiety isn't something that you cant really control! You actually sound like you're just a bit exhausted and worn out? Last night I didn't feel great. I was so down feeling, nervous of everything, scared of sitting in my living room even. But I was just completely worn out from my exam and not sleeping/eating properly. Today I am more rested and have eaten lots and feeling calmer! I can still feel the anxiety creeping in at times though.

    I don't think you should dwell on this. We are always going to have good and bad days, no matter how well you cope as this is the nature of the illness. Relax the best you can and try again tomorrow?

  4. #4
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    I think you are right Kimberley. I have done nothing but keep dropping off to sleep every time I sit down. I have been pushing my boundaries too, trying to lead a normal Life, but not eating as well as I should and not getting enough rest because I like to keep Anxiety at bay by keeping busy all of the time. I feel really worn out. Mixed with the bad weather, dark skies and fighting off the Anxiety. I haven't felt this bad for a long while.

    Thanks for replying Ninnie, I probably just need a good rest.

  5. #5

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    I'm feeling much like you, pre panic kinda feeling all day...four the last four days! I managed almost two good weeks before this.

    Pre panic for me is feeling weird in head, call it dizzy, rocking, fuzzy, lightheaded but heavy behind the eyes. Shaky on and off and a buzzy feeling in my chest that used to b accompanied by fast heart rate (not so much this time). And my pupils dilate so huge there's hardly any blue visible. It freaks me out.

    I'm trying to go about the usual and not dwell on it but struggling very much. We will get past these moments (I can tell myself that) but sometimes doesn't feel like its ever gonna come.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    Sorry to hear this Carnation.

    I get blips in the big supermarkets from time to time. I find it occurs because I am physically feeling rough or having a higher anxiety day. I've found it best to stop & concentrate on something, maybe try to read something, etc. Its sometimes difficult to concentrate but it usually passes.

    Try not to allow this to create avoidance because you want to be able to do it without this reaction.

    I'm having a rough blip at the moment myself and I can't turn it off. The worst I've had fit a long time and it's making me feel the same about going backwards.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    Yes, Terry. I still feel the same today. I am trying to carry on as usual, but have this impending doom feeling again that something bad is going to happen.
    I had the most terrifying pains in my calf last night in bed that made me think I was going to die. I ignored it and really couldn't be bothered anymore whether I was or not and of course I was fine. The pain was so severe ir felt like I was being cut with a knife!
    I also went to bed early and found myself laying there staring at the ceiling for 2 hours before I went to sleep. Hence me staying up late every night.
    There's quite of few of us on here that seem to be having a blip. I don't know whether it is because of the time of year, but this time last year was when my full Anxiety came to a head and that is always at the back of my Mind.
    I am seeing my Therapist tomorrow, so will report on the outcome.
    Sorry that you too feel bad at the moment, the only advice I can give is walking and keeping busy with stuff, as I am doing. Maybe a bit of Sun will help us to feel better and I think there is some due by the end of the week.

    Panicky88, I think you have the right attitude, but it doesn't make it any easier to live with. January is nearly out of the way and as soon as I see Daffodils, I know that Spring is on it's way and brighter days are coming.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    I'll think of you when I see my therapist tomorrow too the impending doom feeling is just horrible though. I get that a lot without even realising it. It's like you're just waiting for a catastrophe to happen.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    Thanks Kimberley

  10. #10

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    I another one having a blip, it is so dark and gray outside during the winter months and that does not help. Also I have family issues and am dealing with the empty nest syndrome big time these are not easy changes for many, even for those who don't have this disorder. I am recovering but still in a relatively fragile state. I have been on my sert for three months now but I think we have to realize we are simply going to have bad days, my mind races and I think oh my God I am going to get worse and worse because I have had this blip which gives me more anxiety. it should be reassuring to us that even those of us on meds and are settled will still have a bad day or even days crop in. I find when I am overly tired or don't sleep well it triggers my fixation on my problems with exaggerated thoughts. I am going to listen to some meditation this evening and am confident this will pass.

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