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Thread: Panic mode all Day!

  1. #21

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    I know how u feel. I also get the light headed, slightly dizzy, disorientated feeling with pins and needles and a hot rush of adrenaline all over and no matter how much I tell myself it's just anxiety it never seems to work. I'm feeling exhausted even though I got enough sleep last night but I have had heightened anxiety for the past few days so it's probably that. Just hang in there, I know exactly what you are going through. Some days are better then others but we just have to push through because it will definitely get better.

  2. #22
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    I feel a little better of late. Yes, I still have all of those annoying symptoms and some very strange ones in the mix. I actually went Deaf for a few seconds last night and I seem to have a strange pain in my hip; which I think is probably trapped wind. But I have started reading a book by Paul David called 'At Last a Life'. I can highly recommend it and it is probably the best advice I have read in a book so far.

  3. #23
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    Glad to hear you are feeling better Carnation.

  4. #24
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    Thank you Terry, I hope you feel better too. January is nearly out of the way, so that's a plus.

  5. #25
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    Yes, thanks Carnation.

    I think the 14 hour sleep I had the other night helped out and proved how far behind I am in the sleep stakes. So, just playing around with it at the moment trying to break the hold the routine has on it.

    At least there is more light now and it seems to be brighter sunshine too. The snow is looking very pretty tonight though.

  6. #26
    Join Date
    Feb 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    Terry - you've mentioned a few times in the past about how you worked in a high stress job for years which contributed to your anxiety.. What did you work as?

  7. #27
    Join Date
    Mar 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    Quote Originally Posted by Kimberley2 View Post
    Terry - you've mentioned a few times in the past about how you worked in a high stress job for years which contributed to your anxiety.. What did you work as?
    I was an analyst working in business improvement. This entailed working on projects from small to top level ones and supporting the business to perform smaller off project process/system fixes due to my knowledge aquired over the years.

    It shouldn't have been as stressful as it was but there were a number of factors that made it ludicrous. I was the only person left who hadn't retired or moved on that understood one area of the business that linked to industry regulation so as more of us left, more work ended up piled on me. Another factor was that I would start January with anything up to the next 12 months planned out with large projects and then the business would keep slipping new smaller issues in because of my knowledge and these drove me constantly off target. It got so bad that I was losing several days a week to these supporting functions and I seemed to get nowhere on projects for months. I also ended up on projects that relied entirely on my knowledge so I couldn't look for support and as I understand it, over 12 months after I had gone off sick & eventually quit, my projects were sitting dead in the water as no one knew how to do the work and for some reason no one could be bothered to force other analysts to learn the work (something I did by liasiing with the industry regulators as I couldn't find anyone inhouse who knew how to do it, which was slightly embarressing...not good for a multinational really!).

  8. #28
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    May 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    I know what you mean about the lack of sleep. The night before last, I slept for 10 hours solid. (Haven't done that in a long time). Unfortunately, last night I didn't get off to sleep until 3am and then work up at 5am. Oh, my poor body!

    You sound similar to me Terry, in relation to the work load.
    I have always been in Administration/Managerial; from the age of 18.
    In one particular position I had with a large Company, when I left they employed 4 people to replace me. (Shame I didn't get the salary to reflect that!).

    Had a bad day today, felt really out of breath when walking, even though I see myself as quite fit. (Not in the attractive way, in the healthy way).
    I seem to have one good day, then two or three bad days.
    Saying that, I have been forcing myself to drive a little and get myself motivated.
    I'm bogged down with family Hospital appointments from both Mums at the moment, and that is one of my Fears. HOSPITALS!!!! When I had to go to Hospital many years ago, as soon as I came round, I got up and get dressed and proceeded to leave the Hospital, when the Nurse shouted out, "Where are you going, you haven't been dismissed yet!". Believe me, I don't hang about where Hospitals are concerned.

  9. #29
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    Mar 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    I went through that cycle of good vs. bad days and I still am. When I hit my worst it was 3 bad weeks to one passable and over the following year it changed eventually to the opposite, and then it started to be 7 better days following by about 4 bad days and then its gone gone down to 2-3 bad days. Now its changing again as I'm having some rough periods that feel worse, so I guess I'll have to see where this goes as the last 2 days have been tough again!

    Mine just comes no matter what. I have no more pressures than normal and this is a worry because what if I start to have loads of pressure again? I guess it will be a matter of working up through such pressures.

    I know what you mean about the salary thing. I would often be doing work up to 2 levels above my paygrade just to get the job done, not that anyone would care other than to say thank you and dump even more work on me!

    When sleep bounces around that much, I think it knocks us for six because we need a rhythm. So, perhaps in a few days as you correct it, it will get easier?

    You've been through this element with the hospitals before though and I remember you saying how well you coped with it, so hang on to that.

  10. #30
    Join Date
    May 2014

    Re: Panic mode all Day!

    Today is the first day that I haven't cried like a Baby for weeks!!!!

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