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Thread: Reminiscing about past make ocd worse?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Reminiscing about past make ocd worse?

    I have really bad ocd, hocd to be specific but i also have hypochondria. I always seem to spend time thinking about before this started when i was happy didn't worry about anything, my question is does thinking of the past make ocd worse? If i feel like i'm getting better with dealing with a thought or it's going away, i compare the now with the past and i feel upset like it's still not the same as it used to be. Does that make sense, i feel like i don't live in the present i compare everything to how it used to be and maybe that holds me back from getting over this, i was 16 before this started in 2004 how could i compare my 27 year old self to a teenager, does anyone have any advice?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2014

    Re: Reminiscing about past make ocd worse?


  3. #3
    Join Date
    Jan 2013

    Re: Reminiscing about past make ocd worse?

    It really is about managing what you CHOOSE to focus on.
    What perspective do you choose to see things from.
    It gives everything it's meaning.

    I once heard a psychiatrist say that perceiving to have lost something you once had is a big cause of depression.
    Comparing ourselves with others is just a great way to see ourselves as worse or less than others most of the time. Both of these perspectives are damaging and achieve nothing positive or productive.

    But these are just perspectives. And there are lots of perspectives, lots of ways to see things.

    If you catch yourself looking at things from those perspectives, recognise it and look for a different way to see that lifts, empowers, tickles, inspires you etc

    Wherever you are right now, wherever you've come from and been through, you can build something wonderful, positive and happy from here.
    Go into each day thinking how you can get closer to where, who and what you want to be.
    What do you want your future to be ? Who is a you that you'd be happy being ?
    Who do you want to be in your future ?
    Build it from here, now, this moment and forget everything that has happened before this moment. Take only any positive lessons from it.
    A painful experience - what can you learn ?
    Other than that your focus is on building something you will like and enjoy from here.

    Each day think what actions you can take today to remember as soon as you wake in the morning to lift you and remind you that you are on that enjoyable new path. Each morning wake and remember the positive steps you took the day before. Have a bounce in your step and do it again that day. Build momentum. Feel optimism and enjoyment.

    Each thing you do to build something positive see it as an object in a pile, like a mini mountain and see how high you can pile it. You're allowed to throw enjoyable things on that mini mountain too like a nice new hairstyle, your favourite tv show, a good time with friends, ANYTHING that's positive, enjoyable and that proves to you that things are going right and are building into something good and taking you and your life in a positive direction where anxieties are alleviated, solutions are found, obstacles are overcome and happiness built.

    Build it up high as you can every day. Remember what you're building each morning when you wake.

    I think it helps you enjoy the moment when you have context like this.
    It says that things are ok.

    Don't mourn for or work hard for good times. You just notice them when you're in them. Take your life in the right direction. Bring the right people into your life and one day you'll observe that you are in an enjoyable, happy moment again. It'll just be there.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Reminiscing about past make ocd worse?

    Scissel, this is a 2015 post that's been hijacked by an Australian essay mill.

    By some weird coincidence, this has happened while I'm writing a presentation showing students how to use anti-plagiarism software.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Reminiscing about past make ocd worse?

    Quote Originally Posted by BlueIris View Post
    Scissel, this is a 2015 post that's been hijacked by an Australian essay mill.

    By some weird coincidence, this has happened while I'm writing a presentation showing students how to use anti-plagiarism software.
    Thanks for letting me know, I didn't realize that, of course. Hope you are doing well today; BI

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Re: Reminiscing about past make ocd worse?

    Taking ages to get over this cold, but otherwise I'm good - heading out to my favourite pub for dinner in half an hour.

    Hope you're hanging in there, too.
    ************************************************** ********
    Sometimes, it's better to light a flamethrower than curse the darkness. - Terry Pratchett

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Jul 2019

    Re: Reminiscing about past make ocd worse?

    Yeah, the bugs are getting stronger, it seems Lol. I hope you enjoy your dinner

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